Conner Smith- Main character 18 years old brown hair about 5' 11" fit but not really athletic sort of geeky high schooler how doesn't have good luck with the girls and is still a virgin
Allison Smith- Conner's Mom 33 years old sandy blond hair tight D breasts started staring in porn when she was 19 to pay for her kids she eventually stopped being in pictures and opened up her own softcore porn company when she was 25. Doesn't have healthy relationships with men after her first and only boyfriend skipped out after getting her pregnant.
Nicole Smith- Conner's 18 year old twin sister resembles a younger version of Conner's mom but with dark brown hair. She is a gifted student with plans for her future but her constant studyin and preparing for college has kept her away from any serious relationships and as such is a total virgin never even kissed a guy.
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