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The House in the Woods | sindermann | 9


It rose up from the ground, like a slow motion detonation of oil-slick bubbles and air pockets. It was translucent, but she could feel the weight of it increase as the oils swirled around it. It smelled pungent, a mixture of familiar smells but all too strong.

She started to hyperventilate. This was too much. Mutants or demons or whatever they were one thing. They were flesh and bone and felt pain. This thing forming in from of her was Madness. She struggled again, bruising her wrists and grinding her teeth. She cursed her hiking boots. It it weren't for them, she might be able to slip the ankle cuffs.

It started to become opaque, the color of runny white paint in a black pan. If it had a face, it was only as an afterthought. No eyes, two small holes for a nose, and jagged rip where a mouth should be. She felt its skin, if indeed that is what it was, sliding over her naked flesh, leaving a trail of oil that seemed to move in its own bizarre circles on her skin.

"What...what the fuck are you!?!" she screamed as she felt its hands slide over her ribcage. The flesh compressed against her, but she felt it become more and more solid by the second, like being an immense amount of water.

Its impossible mouth split open like skin being sliced by a scalpel. "That is up to you." Her eyes went wide as she felt a pressure slide between her exposed pussy lips. "My body is Sweat and Cum and Spit and Juices, and it has been too long since I've eaten. " She felt the oily thing slide against her clit, parting her pussy lips up and down. The oil was soaking into her now, and it was solid enough. She felt its huge, oily cockhead press at her moist hole, insisting entry very, very slowly.

"You have a choice, my dear. Either I take you, or you give me your friends. You are the strongest of them. They would not help you if they were in your place." His face was next to hers, the oily bubbles of his speech sliding along her neck, his hands sliding from ribs to stomach to breasts, leaving these slow swirling trails behind, and his cockhead was pressing harder, demanding entrance that was only a fraction of an inch away.

"Or not." It said. She stared into its face, and its eyes, too many eyes, opened the same way its mouth had, and when she stared into them, she the fate that refusal would bring.



what does she choose?


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