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Brothas fo' Life! | DexterMac147 | 1


You are in your first year of university. It is Wednesday September 4, and Clubsfest is taking place. You notice that this university has a frat, called Sigma Epsilon Xi. You are excited by it and sign up right away, unaware of the implication of its name. "Thank you for signing up," the guy manning the table tells you. "We will send you an email by the end of the week."

That Friday September 6, the email arrives. It reads:
"Welcome! Thank you for signing up for the Sigma Epsilon Xi frat of University of Mansfield! We will be hosting jointly an opening celebration with the Gamma Alpha Upsilon frat. Please join us at Banquet Hall 8 pm on Saturday September 14. Please be prompt, and bring an extra set of clothes. Try to come with someone you know who is already in the frat, it will make things easier. See you Saturday!"

The following week seems to pass by in a blur. Finally, Friday September 13 arrives. You suddenly feel nervous about the opening ceremony. Remembering that your elder brother, Ulrich, belongs to the frat, you ask him to accompany you to the opening ceremony.

"Sure thing, bro," he says, winking at you and smiling roguishly.


What do you wear to the opening celebration?

          Stupid about Greek language or smart about it and Greek sex too you get the Greek words


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