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Wedding Nerves | homebrewer | 5


"I suppose not," Katy said, unenthusiatically. She and Tony's father had never been particularly comfortable with each other. She could not put her finger on why not, but there was always a certain amount of awkwardness when they were in each other's company. "Must you rush off to football, though? I just feel warmed up, and could do with my future husband inside me again."

"Sorry, love. I said I'd be there early today. Maybe tonight, if I have the energy? Must dash." And with that, Tony was off. Katy got up and dressed, not looking forward to an afternoon talking to Bill. Though it was shockingly early, she thought that a bottle of wine might make the afternoon more bearable, went to the fridge and cracked open a bottle of white. Two glasses of wine later, Tony's father arrived.

"Hello Bill, I've opened a bottle. Want some?" Katy asked and poured him a glass. Two glasses on an empty stomach was making her feel giddy, and thinking about the wedding in two weeks giddier still. Bill took the glass offered, gulped most of it quickly, and got down to business.

"We need to talk about table plans. Have you had any ideas?"

"Oh God, I'm sick of this wedding business," Katy said and surprised herself by beginning to cry.

"Katy, love, what is it?" Bill said, moving closer and patting her on the shoulder stiffly.

"I don't know. I'm beginning to feel trapped." Katy poured herself more wine and downed it. "It's just. I mean. I went to my hen night in Blackpool, and there were all these single people. And they were having an amazing time. And I shouldn't be telling this to you."

"Don't be silly. Everyone has pre-Wedding nerves. You just need to decide how to expel them. And you can talk to me - I'm nearly family." Bill moved closer to Katy with his arms stretched out, offering a hug. Katy took the offer and wept into his shoulder. She continued, "I wouldn't say any of this if I was sober. But there were so many men, coming onto me, wanting me, and I felt special. And I have never had a lover but Tony. And now I'm curious, and I have this itch which may not go away. And I'm worried if I marry Tony, I won't stay faithful."

"Being faithful isn't the be-all and end-all of a marriage, you know," Bill said, stroking Katy's hair. Was it her imagination, or was his other hand lower down her back than it had been and pressing her harder into his body.


Was it Katy's imagination?

          It wasn't Katy's imagination


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