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Superhero Auditions | TheVillian | 3



It's the only name you've known your whole life. From what you can tell you were grown in a lab by an older woman who pioneered multiple secret scientific break-throughs but never got around to having children and was regreting it. In responce, she grew you- physically an early 20's sex-reversed clone with a healthy mix plant DNA to give you powers. Considering you her son, she made sure you were educated then released you into the outside world to give her as many grandchildren as you could.

And your powers certainly helped you do that. The plant DNA made your skin green, but thanks to a modified version of photosynthisis this means you don't have to eat or sleep if you expose your skin to enough sunlight. Your pheremones have been amplified and plant attributes have been added making you damn close to being sexually irresistable to women, especially ovulating women in the mid-20's to late 30's age range. Even if they aren't so willing two 12 feet long, vine-like prehensile appendages grew from the small of your back, each about as strong an arm and flexible enough to be hidden under loose shirts- just in case according to the researcher.

Then there's the powers she gave you specificly ment for sex. A borderline empathic ability for body language so you "just know" what to do to a partner next, strong euphoric and aphrodesiac drugs that exist naturally in your seminal fluid, super-human stamina and fertility, and a recovery rate that puts anything else in the animal kingdom to shame. Then there's the expiremental power even she's not sure she got right, but potentially your most devistating of all. Not only have you been engineered so that your children have powers of their own, but if the mother of one of your children already had powers- the child's will put hers to shame!

On paper, this is a guy's wildest dream. However you've really fucked yourself into a tight spot this time. You were so intent on fucking another bastard into some chick at a night club that you didn't notice that it was being robbed by a supervillainess until there was a gun at the back of your head. Taking you as a trophy, at first it was kind of fun being a supervillainess's sex toy- and when you tamed her to worship your cock it was all the sweeter. Fast forward to the present you now have about a half-dozen supervillainess's angry at you for getting them pregnant, another dozen supervillainess's sexually fixated on you to the point of insanity, and about more 30 supervillains and supervillainess's who seem convinced that you've raped their wives, sisters, and comrades. Sure you can turn down the pheremones if you concentrate really hard, but it's not like you have the control to turn them off entirely!

So here you are, at Justice Legion HQ- not to sign up so much as plead for protection. As the only man on the planet who'se biological children are gaurenteed to have powers you think they'd want tabs on you anyway, but worse case scenario at least you can knock up some of the good girls before you get killed, balance the scales some.

It's only getting there that you realized that this may have not been the best way to try to contact the legion. You've caught every female applicant checking out your ass at least once, even the teenagers and the ones that were supposedly lesbians. It's taken all your willpower to hold back your volcanic sex drive, you do need to get on this team's protection after all. Fortunately you're next at the front of the line, here's hoping for the best.


Whose the member who takes your application?

          Interviewed by the Owl


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