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Comforting the Roommate | c2kcp | 11


"Why don't you just help me get over there?" you offer.

"Are you sure you can even stand up?" replies in a caring voice.

You try to sit up, using your right arm as always to prop you up. But as soon as you put any weight on in a shooting pain racks your arm. You quickly release the weight on your arm and fall back into the bed, letting a small whelp of pain escape your lips.

notices this and quickly comes over to you "Are you okay, ?"

You look at her and can see the deep concern she has for you in her entrancing emerald eyes. But you also notice something else, sorrow, regret, and a look you've seen in other people, but never in : self-loathing. She obviously still feels terrible about everything, and probably still blames herself.

Noticing the concern in her eyes, you decide not to worry her anymore in her fragile state.

"Heh, I guess that was kinda dumb, huh?" you joke at her "Yeah, on second thought would you mind just getting me a glass, please?" You nicely ask her.

"Of course I will, be right back."

She exits the room and goes to the kitchen. While she is gone you sit up, this time using your (miraculously) undamaged left arm to prop yourself up.

is only gone for a minute before she returns with a large glass of cold water. Seeing the water only makes your throat even drier as you eagerly grasp for the glass. But doesn't offer it to you.

"Don't strain yourself, , I'll do it" she answers in reply to the puzzled look you gave her when she recoiled the glass.

You know you can lift the glass with your left hand, but you decide it is best right now to let her take care of you as much as possible, at the very least in an attempt to have her begin to forgive herself.

You slide over the side of the bed and sits next to you. She offers the glass to your lips and they gladly accept. The cold water feels so refreshing; it's almost as if you have never drunken anything in your life before. You drink half the glass before the need to breathe finally overcomes you and you pull your lips back.

"Thanks for that" you tell .

"It's the least I can do after that night" she responds darkly.

At these words you remember her note: "Plus, we need to talk a bit." You wonder if now would be a good time to ask her about what she wanted to talk about.


Do you ask her about the note?


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