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Bishop To Queen’s Porn | WaterMage | 13


The stately king's bishop was wise enough to know that now White should try to take the offensive, hoping to force the enemy queen into a more vaulnerable position. He smiled, imagining what that position would be.
Then the orders rang out: "King's Bishop c4 to e6."
The bishop grinned as he charged forward. The black whore-pawn who was his prey was barely worthy of his attentions, but he knew his pious duty extended to all these wanton sluts.
She turned to flee, but he was two quick for her. In a moment he held the Jezebel firmly by one shoulder while he thrust his staff of office into her cunt with the other. He pounded her mercielessly, spurred on by the cheers of the white army and the shocked looks of the black whores. Several of the black woman were unable to resist playing with themselves as they watched him defile their companion.
As she shrieked into her first orgasm, the bishop took note of how her plump backside rubbed against his robe and, without ceremony, began to sodomise her. He alternated strokes with his rod and his cock, leaving the pawn helpless as she was jerked back and forth. As he came into her bowels and dropped the spent girl to the ground, his eyes locked with the black queen's, and he prayed that that harlot would know the same punishment.


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