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The Lilith Strain | mistress_alexia | 14


After a cursory glance of the small church, you find that you can enter it very easily. While it is believed that holy items or symbols will deter demons, in many cases it is the carrier's belief in that symbol and what it represents that truly repels you. Since this congregation is ruled by a fear of a merciless god and a fire-and-brimstone minister, the symbols and aura of the church radiate a fear of God, not a belief that God's power can save them. Armed with this knowledge, you and your pets walk brazenly and naked into the church.

As the door of the church closes behind you, you hear cars pulling into the church parking lot. Martha whispers to you, “An emergency prayer service was called when the Lilith Strain started. That would be the rest of the congregation arriving now.”

An evil smile spreads across your face as you turn towards Naomi and Martha. “Is there a place where those on the podium can see us but the congregation cannot?”

Naomi shares your smile as if sensing your thoughts. “There is an old choir loft in the back of the church. It's fully opened and elevated so that everything that happens there is clearly seen on the podium. And since it's in the back of the church, no one else will see us unless they turn around.”

“Perfect,” you whisper. With that, the four of you make your way unseen to the choir loft as the congregation slowly files in. It is only by the sheer force and power of your will that you keep your pets quiet, still, and unseen as Pastor Hank McEnfee leads the church in a few hymns and prayers for protection against “the evils of women and the ways of the devil.”

After fifty minutes of this drivel, the musicians and other singers leave the podium to join the rest of the congregation as Pastor McEnfee starts his hellfire message. You wait a few moments to let him get fired up and riled as you allow your pets to play in their invisible states. The moment the minister's eyes glance towards the balcony, you open the veil from his eyes. He startles a bit as he sees you sitting in the loft of his church, your wings and legs spread wide as Naamah licks your clit and fists your demonic ass. Your hand lovingly caresses her hair as your tail enters Naamah's moist vagina. You lick your lips lustfully as your free hand cups your breast, lifting it up to your mouth so your serpentine tongue toys with the pert nipple. Once you finish licking the nipple you whisper softly, but your voice carries directly into the minister's ear and is unheard by the congregation. “You will find that you're under my power, Pastor. You can't reveal us to the least not yet. Go on with your sermon.”

As if on its own accord, Pastor McEnfee's mouth continues to speak, his congregation following his words, unaware of the demonic violation he alone is force to witness. “I have a surprise for you, Pastor,” you whisper to him as you reveal Martha draped over the edge of the choir loft while Naomi's shaft violently rapes her mother and Martha screams for more. Only the minister hears the screams as you whisper to him. “See how much they're enjoying that? I guess you should know that your wife is going to have your daughter's baby. It'll be so much fun corrupting the young child.”

With that, you motion for Naamah to join the pair. Naamah obeys, moving over to the couple and roughly grabbing Martha's face and burying it between her legs, forcing the minister's wife to eat her out as the minister watches.

Suddenly the minister feels your naked, sweaty, needful body rubbing against his back. Your form is again invisible so that only the minister knows you are there. You reach down to the small twitching in his pants that the pulpit hides from the congregation. As you caress the small twitch, you whisper to him, “That gets you soooooo hard, doesn't it? Watching your wife get raped and used by your daughter.” Slowly you unzip his pants and free the rather small, twitching muscle so you can stroke it as your pheromones are released on the congregation. Many of them begin to fidget and shuffle, trying to be inconspicuous as they find themselves unexpectedly becoming aroused in the middle of the sermon.

Naamah, Naomi, and Martha all cum on your cue, releasing their pheromones and the smell of sex across the congregation. Within moments, many of the people have fled the church in fear, while many others find themselves first rubbing against the people next to them, then touching them, and finally breaking down into a sexual frenzy. At that moment your will forces the minister to stop talking as you stroke him, forcing him to watch as your pets and his congregation explode into a lustful orgy. Several of them shift into incubi and succubi, while the rest explode into ash and or implode to skeletal remains as their bodies are drained dry of sexual energy.

As the minister stands there, he begins to cry. Keeping your hand upon his shaft, you move in front of him and make yourself visible to him. “This is my church now, Pastor. And you...are my prey...” With that you kneel in front of him, deepthroating him as you massage his balls. After several minutes Pastor McEnfee can no longer hold it and he cums, his body wasting away as you suck the life and energy out of him. As you stand and lick the cream from your face, you watch with glee as the orgy explodes out of the church into the surrounding streets.


The end? Or the beginning of the End?


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