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The Lilith Strain | mistress_alexia | 12


Naamah turns with you to see an older version of Naomi's mother standing in the doorway, her face full of confusion, doubt, and fear. With supernatural speed and a feline's grace, you pounce up and pull the older woman into the room, closing the door behind her. With the same deftness you move so that the older woman's back is to the bed and she faces you. This way, her gaze is solely on you...and you bar her way to the door.

"Begone, foul devil!" she shakingly barks at you as she pulls a crucifix out of her blouse. Her mousy brown hair and glazed blue eyes reflect the years of subjugation and demorilazation that Naomi was just beginning to show before your arrival. You softly raise a hand to Naamah, signaling her not to interfere just yet.

With a wicked grin you meet the older woman's gaze, which is quite an easy task since you are several inches taller than her. You sensually raise a clawed hand and caress the chain the crucifix is held on, the touch lightly burning you...but with the woman's fear and wavering faith, it has no power of belief, so the burn is only a light tingle. "Such a pretty bauble on such a lovely neck, my darling. What is your name?"

The woman's eyes blink in dismay as she sees that her ward is not keeping you away. "I will not tell you, temptress. You will not get that foothold on me!"

You smile sweetly, just a small hint of fang showing as a claw caresses the metal of her crucifix. "I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours, love. My demonic name, used for summoning and banishment, is Agrat-bat-mahlaht. But those who know me best call me lover and mistress." With that, you flick your claw and the crucifix falls to the floor. "Now, what is your name, my darling?"

"M...martha...but I will not submit to you...leave my daughter and go now in the name of Jesus!"

You signal with a soft gesture and before Martha can turn around, Naomi's transformed body rubs needfully against her human mother. The child's now full breasts and hips push against Martha as Naomi traces a claw across the underside of her mother's breasts through her severe blouse. "They didn't break me, Mother. I gave myself to them. Join us, Mother...join us and live..."

As you watch Naomi slowly unbutton her mother's blouse against Martha's struggling protests, Naamah kneels down to slowly glides her hands up the older woman's floor length skirt. As they undress her, they move her slowly towards the bed. Although you now stand several feet away from the threesome, your soft voice is heard as a breathy whisper in Martha's ears. "Fear not, my child...this will be beyond any pleasure you have ever felt before."

"NO!" Martha cries. "This is unholy and unnatural! Only a woman's husband may know her. I will not submit."

Your grin widens, showing your fangs fully now as your pets remove the last of Martha's garments and pin her down on the bed. As you walk towards her, a large phallis slowly grows from your loins, dripping milky red drops of precum as you lovingly stroke it. "Since you need a man, perhaps I can still accomodate you." With that you kneel in front of Martha and push your way inside her.

She screams and yells as you force your way deeper and deeper inside her. As you tenderly force your way into her womb. Naamah kisses and licks on Martha's breasts and neck while Naomi whispers in her mother's ear. "Just relax and enjoy it, Mother. Please. I so want you to be happy, Mother...I don't want to see you destroyed..."

Hearing Naomi's pleas, you motion her over to take your place. Lightly brushing Naomi's slit, you grant her your phallis so she can pleasure her mother as you and Naamah holds Martha down.


Does Martha submit?

          Breaking Martha


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