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Vacation With Your Best Friend | Cretan_bull14 | 8


“, there’s something I need to tell you.” ’s tone doesn’t sound very enthusiastic considering what you were about to do.

“Okay. Go ahead.” You tell her as you massage her back. You run your hands up and down her body, hoping to get her mind off of whatever it is she has to tell you. She turns her body abruptly, causing your hands to fall off of her. Your heart sinks as you know this isn’t good.

“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to say it. I met someone when I was in Europe.” She says as she pulls her wallet out of her pocket and starts digging in it.

“What? When?” Is all you manage to get out before your world starts spinning a bit. She pulls a picture out of her wallet and shows it to you.

“I was having a tough time over there and was about to give up and come home. Then one day this guy comes up to me in the library and starts talking to me about everything not school related. We hit it off right away and have been seeing each other ever since. He’s transferred here to the States and we’re moving in together right away. I’m sorry. I know this is bad timing, but I just had to tell you.” She says.

“I was about to kiss you and you say it was BAD timing? I’m your best friend and you kept this from me for almost an entire year! How could you do that? Oh, I guess it could have been worse, like showing up two years from now with wedding photos and a baby in the oven. Jesus Christ !!! You know what, get up, I’m going to bed. Good night!” You practically push her off your lap and storm into the tent.

“, please don’t be like this!!!” She calls after you, but you don’t care to respond. You are out of your shorts and shirt and into your sleeping bag in less than a second. You shut the light off and roll over onto your side facing the wall of the tent. Outside you can hear the vague sound of someone sobbing mixed with the sounds of a fire being put out and trash being collected. You stop paying attention to her, and try to fall asleep.


Does she try to speak to you?

          She does


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