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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | lupine | 8


Your moms face reddens and her eyes narrow. Luckily she does not want to start a conflict which the terminator might not understand.

“John can I please have a ‘conversation’ with you in my computer room?” she says and saunters off.

“Sure thing mom, just let me take my shirt off… I mean put my shirt on… I can explain everything!” You say.

You watch as Sara closes the door. As a solider in a time war you have come to trust a simple idea. There is no such thing as quick thinking there is only planning, planning that is deep and wide in breadth.

Unfortunately you do not have a plan for this situation.

Unless you were to use one of your frequently occurring masturbation fantasies…
It is not strategically sound, but it is all you have prepared.

“Carmen I have very important orders for you. You will make two drinks. The first will be an alcoholic beverage, a mixed drink for Sarah Connor. This will not be an ordinary drink. It will be a chemical cocktail designed to make her lose her inhibitions. Also she must be driven to mate with me within the hour. You can raid the neighbor houses for the needed components but do not be seen. The second drink can be ordinary soda but if you have the opportunity to spike it with viagra or something so that I will have an erection for the rest of the night.”

Carmen stands there tilting her head from side to side like a dog.

“Sarah Connor must not know about or detect the chemicals. This deception is for her own protection. Bring the drinks to the computer room as soon as you are ready. Now Carry out the order!”

Carmen runs off not bothering to put on shoes or any additional clothes.

As soon as you enter the computer room your mother begins berating you in a harsh whisper.

“That thing is not even human! What the hell!” She spits.

“I know I know, I didn’t want to do it either. You had better sit down.” You lie.

Sarah Connor looks incredulous but sits down.

“As you know I was having a lot of nightmares. This didn’t make sense to me at first. But one day I woke up and realized that this ‘nightmare’ was a process by which I was becoming integrated with all my parallel selves.” You are really on a roll now.

“How can that-“ Your mom gapes and puts her hand in front of her mouth.

“I know, I know. I didn’t want to tell you. Anyway, some of the John Connors, well they are not all named that- anyway, they are older then me some of them are brilliant of course some of them are dead along with the worlds they failed to protect. So I have this knowledge, full knowledge. All the different strategies that were ever tried. They didn’t work that was the shame of it.” You are not much of an actor but you manage to work up a sob. Your mother is completely fooled and is now comforting you.

“But hope is not lost…” You pause as if you cannot continue under this heavy burden.

“Here let me put on some music on. It helps me to focus.”

Your mother looks on without saying a word as you toy with different internet radio stations. She has really taken the bait. You stall until Carmen comes through with the drinks.

“I do not really feel like one of these.” Complains Sarah Connor.

“You are going to need it.” You insist.

“I think I know if I need something or not.” She resists.

“Well if you don’t I am not going to continue the plan will just have to go on without you. I’m not sure it will still work but…” You are starting to believe this might actually work.

She seems awed and you watch as she nurses more and more of the drink until it is gone. Your heart is pounding. In your fantasies you always skip from this part to the sex. But you must not strike until you are certain of victory!

“That’s better” You allow yourself to patronize her.

“Now, I was skeptical about some of these untried plans. But the consensus among the ‘awakened’ John Connors is that there is one that is sure to work.” You take a pause for dramatic effect. After a moment she demands to know what the stratagem is.

“One of them had the chance to try it but it made him uncomfortable so he didn’t even run projections-”

“-Wait a minute wait a minute” Sarah interrupts sounding slightly intoxicated. She is unbuttoning and removing a blouse.

“Why is it so hot in here tonight?” She complains.

“Does this plan have something to do with sexing up the damn robot?” She seems to have finally realized. You decide you act offended.

“I suspected that you would not be interested in the complexity of the plan. After all the ‘science’ of this- this place has not even adopted the law of conservation of reality into its foundation. But, no. Even I was skeptical but I was willing to test the theory so I built a micronized flux projector with scafolded relays. Before it phased out I got a series of results that indicated, indeed that the changes COULD be seeded successfully as long as the factors were managed.” You are just spinning like a spider now.

“But this is to depressing to think about. Will you please dance with me for a moment?” You ask standing closely in front of her. She is skeptical and mocks your request.

“When one has died tens of thousands of time and seen the animals of the earth destroyed one begins to appreciate the little traditions, the old joys of little societies, indeed to cling to them. One does not necessarily become a … nihilistic skeptic. But if you wish you can stay in here and I will go teach ‘the robot’ to dance.” You keep this up and you will talk yourself into it as well!

“Wait, of course, of.. of course I just… it is a lot to take in.” She stands wearing only her tank top and short skirt now.

You grasp her shoulder and the small of her back and take her through some of the dances you learned in gym class.

“My god this is really happening.” She says.

“Of course, How else did you think ‘John Connor saves the world’. No ordinary man could do it.” You nuzzle her neck and are now talking and breathing into her ear.

“However, I am all but alone. But there is a high probability that my children will have potential powers as well. Carmen, on the maternal side of the equation enhances these probalities. But even she can bear only one child a year. There is only one other female that I am currently aware of that ass… I mean ‘adds’ temporal shift significance on the maternal side.” You say not knowing whether to continue to hide the tent in your pants.

“No.” She whispers but she sounds resigned.

“Perhaps you are right, humans might not be worth saving. I always feel sorry for the animals though…” You tease her.

“Maybe some sort of artificial insemination…” She offers.

“I know. I know. But the children, not formed in an act of love and passion are less likely to hit a spike in potential. Children can detect these things you see, especially the children we are talking about. Nurture is a factor as well as nature.” You claim. Then you decide to try your luck.

You place your lips against hers and force your tongue in. She freezes neither assisting you by kissing back nor protesting. This goes on for several minutes. Obviously she thinks this nonviolent protest will make you feel guilty and stop. …but since the fate of reality is in your hands…

Without removing your mouth. You spank her right ass cheek. Still she remains stiff and still. You spank her through her skirt again, this time across her crack. As you do this you also thrust forward with your pelvis.

This arouses her anger.

“OH, you are very VERY sure of yourself aren’t you? AREN’T YOU!?!?”

She says as she stumbles sideways, clearly drugged up. You pull her skirt down and wrestle her out of her tank top. She gets her footing then and wearing nothing but panties yanks the door open only to come face to face with herself. You look on in wonder. It is a slightly older version of Sarah Connor. By the look on her face she is ready to assist you!


a threesome, or a foursome?


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