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A Wishbone Tale | meach | 19


"Finally!!!" shouted out Becky in response to the breakthrough

The remark had reestablished Dave's hold on his predicament. It also had caught Kalli's attention as the two tore away from each other and turned to face Becky. She was standing in the same spot she was in before Kalli was sent to Dave. In a sign of conclusion she was clapping her hands, as if she had just watched a symphony play it's last coda.

Dave was about to be enraged but before he could let loose his fury he heard a whimper come from the girl by his side. Dave looked toward her to see her face was pouring tears. She had her arms covering her tremendous rain dropped shaped orbs and was hunching over as if to try to cover as much of her body as she could. This was no simple task thanks to her now Amazon like stature. Still Dave felt compelled to shield her if he could. He took off his shirt and draped it over her. After doing so he realized he was able move again. Unfortunately both he and Kalli were still floating a foot above the ground. He placed his hands on her shoulders in a gesture of consoling. It was odd to see someone like her feel fragile as a leaf. But Kalli was not just frightened by this, she was now feeling her anger rise.

"How... How could you!?"

"Oh well I did apologize once already, but in my own defense that was one truly horrid blouse."

"This has nothing to do with my shirt. I thought we were friends. I've known you for years, and this is how you repay my friendship? Treating me as nothing more than a toy... a marionette for you to play dolly with this guy!"

"Oh right. Where are my manners, Kalli this is Dave. And Dave this is Kalli." The two looked at each other then Kalli pulled away from Dave's hands. They both had a rush of embarrassment as images of what just happened flashed in their heads. "Look, I apologized for the shirt because that's the only thing I'm actually responsible for. If either of you are upset about what just happened you have you're own selves to blame for that.

Both Dave and Kalli looked at one another and almost cried, "What?" out in unison.

"Consider what just happened as a bit of Shock Therapy. You see, even before I received my gift from Dave I was a Psyche major. I'm especially good at identifying peoples phobias and internal conflict. Thanks to my Gift that ability is infinitely more powerful, and even better I know exactly what to do to fix them. I know everything there is, everything there was, and everything that will be. In so I saw the future for you Kalli. Several years from now that little exhibitionist streak would have grown. Take that into account with the fact that you have a serious self-image problem, you produced a separate persona for it. That persona leads you down a bad slope. Nothing major at first, you simply start off stripping at a club on armature night. But that's not enough so you take on a job at a that strip club, but the thrill isn't enough. So you decide to try escorting instead. After a while you find the two separate identities, one being the mousy girl you use to be and the other the over sexed nympho are clashing. It's only a matter of time before you're mind can't take it anymore and you turn to self-medicating to keeping your desires down. It's no life worth living.

"You Liar!!! How dare you say that to me after all you just put me through!"

Becky sighed then walked up to Kalli, "I hate you feel this way, because I had hoped I would not have to show you. It was hard enough for me to see it all, so I'll try to just show you enough so that you know the truth." The vein in Becky's forehead began to pulse fast as images of the future erupted into the minds of Kalli and Dave. They saw her starting as a Stripper, then her turning tricks, followed by her shooting up in a bathroom.

Kalli was in tears again, but at the end of the images she floated down the ground next to Becky. She wrapped her arms around her to consol her friend. Kalli shook free from her then stared hard in a mix of sadness and anger.

“How do I know what I just saw wasn’t more of you torturing me?”

“You don’t, but think about that friendship you spoke of before. Think of what we wouldn’t do for one another. If I was really some evil bitch don’t you think I could just make you feel what you saw was the truth. I don’t want to do that, I didn’t want to do anything to you that would change who you are on the inside. Even all the things that just happened were not really my doings. Like I said, you can thank Dave here and yourself for that.”

Kalli looked back to the floating guy and said, “Him!? Me!? But how, you’re the one with all these weird powers.”

“Well true, but he made a wish that my attention be focused on someone else. I didn’t have to follow it, but I thought it would be fun to see what would happen if I thought about someone else. When I did I saw you and everything that would soon happen to you. So I couldn’t let that happen. I also knew that I could fix you’re self image issues by making you a hottie, but without dealing with you’re issues I’d only speed up your bad habits. You had to be the one to see for yourself. That’s why I used this little bone here to wish that you would live out your deepest fantasy. Even I was surprised to see you actually wanted to feel as if someone else was forcing you to be the exhibitionist that you crave to be. So I just ran with it. All the theatrics were just for show to help play out what you wanted to believe was real. However, I’d still accept my Academy Award for my role of Evil Omnipotent Overlard.”

“Wait, you mean all of that was just me? I made myself do that and grow like this.”

“Oh you and well him sort of.”

Dave was surprised by this and shook his head as if he had nothing to do with this.

“Look I’m innocent here. All I did was give you what you wanted.”

“Oh yeah you’re a completely innocent boy scout right? I do know about the triplets. All knowing remember.”

Dave went red faced for a bit then held back any further responses. Becky raised her finger up and wagged it side to side as if to playfully chastise the naughty boy.

“Nah, I’m just ribbing you. You’re a pretty cool guy. But what I was saying was into the fact that the part of her fantasy you played was where she wanted to have the body that a guy who didn’t feel attracted to her would make him instantly putty.”

“I did that to her?”

“Kinda, You supplied the template that she wanted to look like. So in a since I was giving you a gift of helping her for all you’ve done for me. Also, I kinda did a little psyche work on you as well. Deep down inside you’ve got a bit of a control problem. I thought I’d let you get a taste of a situation where you could feel what it’s like to have a woman control the situation. Every Dominate person secretly wants someone to make them do something every now and again.”

“So all this time you’ve actually been trying to do us a favor.”

“Yeah, well… Don’t get me wrong I’m not a pure angel here. I have my reasons for wanting to see you two happy. Oh let me help you down”

Dave floated down next to Kalli. Where he bumped her slightly as his feet made contact with the ground. Kalli turned to him and blushed again. She held his shirt tighter to her as she did. Dave glanced then looked away.

“Oh no you two don’t.” Cut Becky as the vein on her forehead started to beat again. Suddenly Kalli turned completely to face one another. In a forced mechanical motion Kalli dropped the shirt and struck a sexy pose. Here hands went to behind her head and locked into her hair. Dave gawked for a second then struck a pose himself where he showed off what muscles he had in his arms.

“Okay here’s the deal. Shock therapy works for the quick exorcist of one’s demons. However, extreme cases need continued treatment. Kalli you know now that you can’t wall yourself away from people or you’ll be stripping for all the wrong reasons in no time. Dave you have to focus on the things you know are right so you can actually enjoy something real with someone instead of hopping from one dominating tryst to another. Dave, honestly, what do you think of Kalli?”

“I don’t know… She’s hot that’s for sure, but I don’t know anything about her.”

“Hold that thought. Kalli what do you think of Dave. And I’m going for appeal here people.”

“He’s okay. I mean he does look good..”

“Alright we have a spark, let me let you two in on a little secrete. You both are practically made for one another. He’s a horndog with heart of gold and you’re a repressed hottie with a brain. You can express you’re inner need to be sexy with him and trust me, after looking around in that noggin of his I can assure you he won’t ever get dull with the kinky things he can come up with. Now you can have the official title of “Lady in the Streets, and a Freak in the Bed.”

Becky concentrated again and the two slightly lifted off the ground an flew into each other. Their lips collided and either by instinct or more of Becky’s doings they got into it. They broke their poses and embraced on another. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before they realized fully what they were doing. When they broke free they looked over at Becky. They’re eye showed their annoyance with a hint of arousal still standing.

“Okay, that was me in the beginning, but all you after that. If it had been me you two would have been naked by now and going at it like rabbits. Keep in mind I’m all powerful now and thanks to both of your little dirty minds seriously turned on. But someone has to keep a clear head here. Enjoy you’re being together, I’ve got to get out of here. “
Becky turned toward the exit and walked out. Just as she passed under the door way. Dave felt something odd. His pants exploded into tatters followed by the same happening to his underwear. Kalli jumped at the sight of his massive cock springing to attention. She then felt the front of her panties push into her wet folds. On instinct she grab the sided and with great effort forced them down her legs to get it out of herself. Unfortunately when she got them down to her knee she lost her footing somehow and fell into Dave. This caused them both to topple over with her landing atop him on his stomach. She looked over her shoulder at him as to show she was sorry. But before she could say so she felt herself lift into the air slightly and land impaled on his prone position. The two of them shivered as she ground down on him. They then heard a voice in their heads say. “Sorry, thought I’d get you two started. Remember, omnipotent and horny.”

Then she was gone.


The End? or is it, you decide follow them, or a Becky that needs to be naughty now. Oh yeh bone?


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