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A Wishbone Tale | meach | 15


Becky kept her hand open knowing that it was only a matter time before she'd have the bone. However, you couldn't have told that to Dave that clung to it as if it was all that stood between life or death. You could actually see the strain on his face as he pulled at the bone. Dave's mind raced as he tried to think of something he could do to put an end to this. He didn't want to loose the bone, so there had to be something he could do.

Dave, still staring and thinking, noticed that the big vein on her head change it's pulse rate. Suddenly the bone direction shifted in Dave's hand . Instead of pulling him towards her, he could feel it move upward. He never relinquished his grip. So in the blink of an eye he was lifted first to his tiptoes then into the air. He was only a few inches above the ground, but that was enough to let him fully understand how much trouble he actually was in. Now in an almost panic, Dave was starting to loose his grip. He raised his other hand up to help steady his hold on the bone, but just before his other made contact - - an unseen force clutched it and forced it back down. First his arm went back down to his side then it bent at his elbow and pinned his forearm behind his back.

He started to look back over his shoulder but instead looked back in the direction of Becky. All the while she hadn't moved an inch from the spot she stood. She still even had the same devious smile on her face and her hand stretch out in front of her. Dave started to squirm and kick, but that too came to an end as his legs locked together in a straight line below his waist.

In an last ditch effort Dave quickly blurted out the first thing to come to his head. "I wish someone would come in here and you'd want to do something to them instead of me!!!," shouted the frantic guy. Dave felt the familiar warm tingle and a just a second later a girl opened the door and walked into the room.

"Hey Becky, not sure why but I just..." She froze before she could finish as she noticed what was going on before her. "What the Hell!!! What's going on here? Who is he and why is he flying? And WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HEAD!?"

For the first time since Becky got her new abilities she actually lost that smile she had been holding. It was just for a second as she heard the new girls comment, then it grew right back as she turned her head and looked her direction. She raised her other hand slightly and made a shooing motion as she said, "Kalli do be a dear and give me a sec as I finish this up, I'll be right with you." Just as she said and made the hand movement Kalli lifted off her feet and flew back up against the wall. It was as if a giant hand grabbed her then held her tight against the space behind her. She tried to move but none of her limbs would budge It was as if gravity had changed directions and increased leaving her up against the wall like a magnet on the front of a refrigerator.

"Dave, you know that was a nice try. But like I said, I'm above that now. The bone can't control me unless I want it too. At best anything wished on it toward me now is nothing more than a suggestion that I can ignore or choose to accept. At my own terms of course. It's been fun, but I think our little test in futility is about to come to an end."

Becky closed the hand into a fist that she had been holding out toward Dave then giggled slightly as she began to speak.

"This little piggy came to the sorority house." She opened her thumb from the fist and at the same time Dave felt his own thumb let go of his grip.

"This little piggy should have stayed home." She opened her pinky next in so his moved as well. Dave knew this was going to be it. No more wishing in just a few fingers.

"This little piggy had a wishbone." Next came off their ring fingers.

"This little piggy will have none." Then their middle fingers released.

"And this littlie piggy cried "OOooooohhhhhhhh" all the way home." As she said that she opened trigger finger, but Dave had let go already do to the added trick she set when she said the word "Ooh." At the moment she said it, Dave felt a rush of pleasure run through his body. It was like his trigger finger had just felt a climax in it that spread to the rest of his body. That caused him to release his last finger. As he did he felt the force again seize him as his arm went down and joined the other locked behind his back.

The bone floated from above his head where it had been left when he let go then down to eye level with him. It gave him a stiff yet playful whap on the forehead then shot over to Becky's awaiting hand. She gripped it then held it up to her eyes. Giving it a quick once over she didn't see anything special about it. Just a bone no bigger than a chicken drumstick , and in the same shape, but one end was broke in the shape of a point. She pulled it away from her face and brought her hand back in front of her. Her palm was aimed upward as she opened it. The bone came to life and stood up on it's pointy end. It started to dance around in her hand as if it was dancing around on a string.


Okay, this looks bad, Okay this may not be so bad. Absolute Power corrupts absolute, or does it?

          Becky relaxes

          So you want to play games, I can play games.


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