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Vacation Hook-up | Cretan_bull14 | 6


“It’s simple bro!” Mike starts.

“We were tired of seeing you destroy yourself while that bitch you dated goes on with her life.” Lauren chimes in. She set you up with Melissa and really hates her now for what she did to you.

“My sister here is in the same boat you are . She just got dumped by her fiancé less than a month before the wedding. So, the girls and I decided that the two of you should meet.” Jessica tells you.

“Oh really? And none of you thought to tell me this?” You ask.

“Come on, dude! We felt that if we told you, you’d back out. We want to see you happy. We’re not going to let you sabotage your life into a bottle.” Greg says.

“I just wanna see you get laid!” Mark chimes in. Lauren, for about the millionth time in their relationship, kicks him in the shin. blushes.

“Sorry ! It’s because we want to see two people we care about be happy.” Lauren apologizes, then glares at her fiancé.

“But why would you trust me, of all people, to be with your sister, Jessica. After all, I’ve a history of not keeping women happy. We’ve mentioned Melissa, but let’s not forget Jill, Angie, and Natasha.” You say. The mere mention of each of your ex-girlfriends feels like a knife through your heart. Jess grabs your hand.

“I trust you with my sister because you're a GREAT guy. I know you won’t hurt her. And because I know that you weren’t the reason that any of those relationships failed. Melissa was a slut long before you met her. Lauren’s confirmed that a hundred times. Jill was manic-depressive, or did you forget that a year after she left you, she tried to jump off a bridge. Angie was just plain weird and dropped off the face of the earth. And Natasha is the type of girl that would rather date me than you. In fact that’s why she went out with you. She was trying to get in my pants. None of those things was your fault. , she’s different from them. Now, go sit with your date!!!” As Jess finishes, she lets go of your hand, and takes a seat next to Greg. This forces you to sit next to . As soon as you sit, she takes her hand in yours.

“It’ll be okay . I’m not like any of those girls. You’ll see.” She says as she winks at you. You quickly drown out everyone in the limo but her. At some point, Mark finds the bottle of champagne and opens it. You don’t see who gives them to you, but you end up with the first two glasses.

“So how long were you with your fiancé?” You ask as you give her a glass.

“Too long.” She replies.

“I’ll drink to that. To people who were in our lives for way too long: FUCK THEM!” You say.

“Here! Here!” replies. You lock arms and both drink. When your glasses are empty, you look into her eyes and smile. She returns the smile and drapes her leg over yours. In a flash, her lips press up against yours. Your tongues quickly begin to explore each others mouths. The limo goes quiet as your friends stop chatting to marvel in the moment they helped create. You don’t know how long you are kissing for, but it comes to an end when the door opens up.

“We’re here, folks.” The driver says. You all exit and head into the airport.


What does she ask you?


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