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Valendrel | PotLMCM | 2


You can feel it, the time has come. Rising up off your knees you let your magic flow through you clearing your senses and calming your soul. Long steady strides bring you quickly to the large ornate doors leading out of your tower. Strong hands that radiate a power hidden by their pale smooth skin push open the crimson red doors letting in a flood of light that temporarily blinds you to the outside world.

Slowly your eyes adjust and allow you to see just what kind of result your announcement has produced.

Standing at the base of the steps leading to your tower there are dozens upon dozens of beings of all different races, genders, and ages. Some look young and bold while others seem old and frail. There are the excessively large towering over the excessively small. Some stand in groups chatting idly with one another yet other stand alone silent and still.

You look calmly down taking it all in noticing those that sit lazily to the side and, those few that have arranged themselves into an orderly line up. You take note of those that have rare and valuable equipment and, also those that have none at all.

Your sweeping gaze misses nothing and finally satisfied that you have watched long enough you begin to descend the stairs. Some of the more reserved parties below notice immediately that you have arrived yet they remain silent. It is only when you reach the halfway mark that one of the more lively attendees lets out a cry of surprise as he points up at you wildly.

It spreads like wild fire. Those that were sitting quickly jump to their feet. Those that were talking fall silent. The few that had stood silent and still from the start simply wait knowing full well that they have already proven their maturity and patience over the majority of those assembled.

It is amazing you think that your words had reached so many in so short a time. After all it was only last week that you sent the word out that you would be taking on an apprentice but, apparently the great sorceress is still well known enough to be gossip worthy at the local taverns.

Although you must admit that some of those waiting below could not possibly be from the surrounding area. In fact many of them looked as though they had traveled great distances to be here.

You start to wonder how far the news had traveled and how many more would still be on their way here, unable to make it here in time for this the first of several gatherings.

Your curiosity would have to wait though because your slow deliberate steps had finally brought you to the base of the steps and the head of the crowd of potential successors. Your first words are important, you know this. So you pause for a moment to collect your thoughts letting them breathe in the silence.

Even the animals of the surrounding forest seem to sense the importance of this moment and still their noise for the time being.

The time has now come you must speakā€¦


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