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Valendrel | LordXorph | 6


You look to your right and see a tall, robed figure. The creature is nearly seven feet tall, and much thinner than a human of that size would be. Its face is roughly human looking, but gaunt and its skin is grey-green. The eyes are completely black, with heavy lids like a reptile's. It has no hair, and its scalp and forehead are covered with rows of small, dark brown scaly knobs. The creature is holding a staff made of a twisted black metal in its big hands, and its robes are also black with dark red or purple lining.

You shudder involuntarily. You're in the power of an Anevorian. These creatures ruled the world while humans were still drawing pictures on cave walls. The Anevorian Empire was a civilization of powerful mages, and most of the magic used today had originally been developed by them. But, as empires often do, Anevoria became decadent. Succession disputes took their toll, as did a series of disastrous wars against the Elves, and eventually the Empire fell. Very few of the cold-blooded people remain, and the Empire is gone forever, but the survivors are rumoured to still have a love for power. Manipulating from the shadows, working their subtle magic to trick and mislead, utterly selfish and amoral. That's what the stories say about Anevorians.

You wonder what such a creature would want with a naked human girl. You gulp nervously and hope its not... that. The Anevorian speaks again...


What does it say?

          He outlines his plan.


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