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A Game of Crowns | GarfunkeL | 4


The carriage swiftly took princess and her maid to Sebith's tower. The wizard lived right in the city, though common folk shunned him, he did have many dealings with nobility and the crown. His tower was a tall one, made out of grey stone and consisted of several stories.

Slightly nervous, you stepped down from the carriage and knocked on the wooden door. Jenna, shivering in fright right behind you.

"Ah, come in Princess, I was expecting you", said a disembodied voice and with that, the door swung open.

Shrugging, you step into the tower. Surprisingly it's very nice looking, well furnished and warm. Encouraged, you boldly step further in, looking around in curiosity. Several paintings adorn the walls, most of them depicting naked women in various poses.

"Your highness", says Sebith as he walks into the room, bowing his head ever-so-slightly.
"How can I be of assistance?"

You turn facing him and mustering your royal courage, say:
"I want your help in convincing the Council that I should rule this land as the rightful heir of my father!"

The wizards bearded and wizened old face doesn't flinch. He merely looks at you approvingly.
"Well, I didn't believe you had it in you, your highness but I must say I'm glad of this change of character...", he pauses for a moment.
"Yes, I will help you convince the Council and I already have an hint for you", he continues.

"What is it, wizard?"

"Get the army and the trading guild behind you. If you can control them, your half-brother is virtually powerless to stop you. I can deal with the old nobility and their fossilized traditions", Sebith speaks.

You nod your head to the wisdom in his words.

"Thank you Sebith, your advice is sound"

"Now, my highness, there is only the matter of my... recompensation", he smiles wickedly at you.

You instantly stiffen though you had expected this. Sebith chuckles:


Will Sebith demand sex as payment? Or something more?


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