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A Summer at the Cabin By the Lake | Vasquez114 | 2


"Well, you guys can do whatever you please as far as I care," you say, "but I'm pretty damned tired and I need a nap."

"I hear that," Heather says, nodding with agreement.

The other three girls look around a bit dejected, but Charlotte keeps up with her usually bubbly attitude.

"Well, suit yourselves guys, I'll show you to your room. Three of us got our own three rooms, hope you two don't mind sharing," she says.

Before you have a chance to say anything, Heather says, "It'll be fine."

You two grab up your backpacks, while Charlotte leads the way into the cabin. It's even more spacious on the inside than it is on the outside, with a massive den and living room, a huge fireplace and a bearskin rug. While it has the look of an old-fashioned, homey cabin, there's enough around to make it modern and cutting edge. The big-screen TV and huge stereo system are enough to prove that. Charlotte leads you down a hall past the kitchen and dining room, and up a flight of stairs. The second floor is simply a hall with two doors on either side and one door at the end.

"Katie and I got rooms on this side," Charlotte says, motioning to the doors on the right, "while Ash's is next to you guys. Hope y'all settle in nicely and get some rest, we got the whole summer ahead of us!" she says enthusiastically, winking to you at the last second.

As she turns away, Heather gladly enters the room.

"Man, this place is awesome!" she says.

As you get into the room, you have to agree. It's a large room, with its own bathroom, a queen-sized bed and a couch. There's a window off to one side, with a great view of the lake. An empty dresser sits next to a full length mirror off in the corner of the room. Sarah tears off her backpack and plops herself down on the bed.

"Man, I think I could sleep forever," she says.

"I thought you said never say die?" you say with a grin.

She twists around on the bed, lying now on her stomach. She props herself up with her hands on her chin and her elbows on the bed. She wiggles her ass as she gets comfortable, and it's hard not to notice. You try to pull your eyes away and look her in the face, and you get a great view down the cleavage of her shirt. Man she's hot, you think. Wait, this girl's practically your sister, what are you thinking? You've always had that crush on her, admit it. Maybe this summer's going to be the time for something to happen. Maybe...

She looks at you as if she noticed your gaze down her marvelous chest, "I say a lot of things," she retorts as she sticks out her tongue in a joking manner.

As you take off your backpack, a question comes to mind.

"So, I got the couch for the summer, or can we alternate, you get the bed one night, I get it the other?" you ask.


How does she respond? Couch? Alternate? Share Bed?

          Let's Share the Bed


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