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TV/Movie interactive | LordXorph | 7


You're jogging along an Australian beach on a beautiful summer day. The sun is high overhead, there's a very slight breeze and you can hear the waves gently lapping at the shore. Strangely, the beach seems deserted. You jog on tirelessly.

In the distance you see three figures. You pick up the pace, and soon you see three tall, gorgeous girls standing by a beach volleyball net. They're all in bikinis and look extraordinarily hot. Their firm breasts, shapely legs and hard stomachs make your mouth water. They've obviously seen you, because one of them is pointing at you. Another looks to be giggling. As you get closer you can start to hear their conversation.

"You ask him!" says the blonde.
"No, you!" whispers the redhead.
The pretty brunette, who's standing on the other side of the net, rolls her eyes and says, "You two are hopeless." She walks over to you. "Hi, I'm Amy. Um, can you play volleyball at all?" she asks.

Of course you can. This is your fantasy experience and you're perfect at everything you do here.

You reply, "Sure."
"Well, we're training for next season but my teammate is sick today. Would you mind playing a few points with us?"
You look at the gorgeous trio and agree without hesitation.

Amy introduces the blonde as Rebecca and the redhead as Jenny. You introduce yourself and there's handshakes all round. Jenny and Rebecca are on one team and Amy and yourself are on the other.

You smile and say, "Hey, I've just thought of a way to make this little game more entertaining."


What's your clever idea?

          "Dare Volleyball"


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