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A Wishbone Tale | LordXorph | 13


"Shut up and follow me!" commanded Rachael, pointing the bone at Jane. The poor shop assistant wordlessly began to follow Rachael, who had begun to walk out the door. "Where are we going?" asked Danielle.

"Somewhere nice and private where Jane can have a long think about what she's done. replied Rachael. Jane didn't like the sound of that, but she felt unable to do anything but follow.

They eventually left the mall and headed down the main street, then turned left into a dusty side street. After a while they came to a neglected bit of parkland between two rows of old houses. It was overgrown with long grass and weeds, and there was a huge untidy looking tree with low hanging branches. "Through here!" said Rachael. "But watch out for bugs."

Jane was becoming more and more apprehensive as she was forced by the bone's power to enter the park and walk behind the tree. The street was barely visible from here. Behind the tree was a big rectangular block of stone that had been left there for some reason, a long time ago.

"Now," said Rachael, "take off all your clothes and give them to Melissa."

Jane couldn't resist the compulsion. She unbuttoned her work shirt and wordlessly handed it to Melissa. Then she took off her bra, exposing the little titties that had got her into so much trouble. Jane kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks, then dropped her tight black work pants. Finally she removed her powder blue cotton panties and gave them to Melissa.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Danielle.
"Make her tits even smaller!" suggested Melissa.
"No, give her a nice big dick!" said Dani.
"Make her really really ugly!" said Mel.
Rachael smiled and said, "Jane, get up on that stone block."

Jane did as she was told. "Now, put your right hand on your hip. Cup your little titty with your left. Good. Now lift your head just a bit. That's it." Rachael pointed the bone.

Suddenly Jane could no longer feel the cool late afternoon air. In fact, her whole body felt numb, and she couldn't move a muscle. Melissa gasped. "You turned her to stone!"

"Yes, now Jane can have a good long think about why it's wrong to get greedy, and she can make herself useful at the same time by making this horrible park a bit more beautiful."

"We can't just leave her here!" protested Dani.

"Don't worry, I'll come back in a year or so and turn her back." replied Rachel. "Come on, it's getting late and we've still got to have a bit more fun."

Jane screamed silently in her marble head. A year! Please, no! Come back! I'm sorry! Don't leave me! Nooooo!

The triplets left the park leaving a beautifully artistic nude statue among the lengthening shadows.


What do the triplets get up to now?


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