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A Wishbone Tale | BenjiDude | 9


“What this?” Dave said holding the bone between his thumb and index finger, “Nothing just a little trinket” he answered, placing it back in his pocket, before opening up the Marlise’s file, “I’ve just been reading through your Personnel file and there’s some interesting notes here” Marlise started to look worried and fidgeted in her seat, “Yeah, says here you’re personality is similar to someone who likes to be dominated” Dave lied as he held the bone in his pocket. Marlise felt her mind changing, all these thoughts of being dominated, being told what to do and loving it all, flooded her head, replacing all the mutual responsibility thoughts and sharing things, “Tell me Marlise” Dave started placing the file on his desk and getting to his feet, “Do you have a master?” he asked, resting on the desk in front of Marlise. Marlise nodded her head, “Now now Marlise, don’t lie to me, I know when you’re lying” Dave stated as he felt the warmth from the bone.

“No, I don’t have a master” Marlise answered as she shook her head.

“Would you like a master?” Dave asked.

“Oh yes please!” Marlise said looking hopeful.

“Very well I shall be your master from now” Dave concluded standing up, “You will do what I tell you to do, is that clear?” he asked, lightly lifting her chin up so she was looking him in the eye.

“Yes master” she said with a smile.

“Good” was all Dave said as he made his way back to his chair, “Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“No master” Marlise replied.

“Excellent, you are to keep yourself for me, understand?” stated Dave.

“Yes master, my body is yours to command” Marlise answered.

“Now then” Dave said picking up the file again, “It says here” he continued making sure he had a grip of the bone, “That you suffer from “penis envy” what is that?” he asked, of course the file didn’t say anything about penis envy, there was nothing particularly special about Marlise, no strange quirks she was pretty much the epitome of “normal” with the only exception being she was bi-curious. Marlise blushed again, as new thoughts flooded her head once more.

“Yes I do master” Marlise started, “It’s where a woman disassociates with her mother and grows more attached to their father because he has a penis, it usually ends with the woman wanting a penis” she concluded.

“I see” Dave said leaning forward, “And do you, want, a penis?” he asked.

“Yes master” Marlise answered with hope in her eyes.

“Tell me how much you want it Marlise” Dave said, getting strangely excited.

“Oh Master I want a penis more than anything in the world, I don’t care how big or small it is, I just want a penis to call my own!” Marlise pleaded, getting onto her knees.

“Well you certainly do want a penis don’t you?” Dave said leaning back in his chair, Marlise just nodded enthusiastically, “Tell me why I should give you a penis?” he asked using the bone to make Marlise believe that he can, “If I give you a dick, then you won’t have a pussy for me to plunder” he added.

“I am yours to dominate master, I give my self to you freely and completely, you can abuse any hole of mine as you see fit” Marlise reasoned.

“But I do like my pussies” retorted Dave.

“I don’t mean to presume master” Marlise started crawling around to Dave’s side, “But if you can give me a penis, can you not leave my pussy intact?” she asked, hoping she hadn’t offended her new master.

“This is true Marlise” Dave said lightly stroking her hair, Marlise just smiled, “Very well, I will give you a penis for being so clever” he added, “How big do you want to be my pet?” he asked holding onto the bone.

“I want to be as big as my master desires” Marlise responded.

“Very well, I shall make you an average size, being a good pet will make it grow bigger, but being a bad pet will make it shrink” Dave said feeling the throb of the bone.

Marlise purred as she felt her panties get tight with her new penis growing, just above her pussy, it quickly grew out to six inches in length, “Mmm thank you master!” Marlise said with a big grin on her face.

“Your welcome” Dave replied, picking up the file once more, “Now this is interesting, it says here, that you suffer “body trans-morphia syndrome” Tell me about this” he demanded, again Marlise’s head was awash of new memories.

““Body trans-morphia syndrome” is where someone is never happy with how they look and desire to make any changes possible to their appearance” Marlise answered, before feeling her penis grow a little.

“Interesting” stated Dave, “Stand there and strip for me” he ordered, Marlise did as she was told, and smiled as she felt her cock grow some more. Dave smiled in appreciation of what he saw, “Very good, you clearly look after yourself” complemented Dave as he took in her smooth curves and tight body, he looked down at her crotch, her prick was above average now, appearing to be about 8” in length and suitably fat, there weren’t any balls which surprised him a little but he liked what he saw so left it as it was, “Now then” he said refocusing, “Do you like tits?” he asked.

“Oh yes master, I think boobs are fantastic!” she answered.

“Good, I like boobs as well” Dave replied as the bone heated up in his hand, Marlise’s chest started to expand, growing bigger and bigger, she quickly caught up with Candy and then exceeded her size quickly doubling in size, “Damn I live big hooters!” Dave said as the growth stopped.

“Thank you master” Marlise said as she caressed her new jugs, “They’re wonderful!” she added pinching a nipple.

“You’re most welcome” Dave responded, “Now to make some other tweaks to you” he added, as the bone heated up once more in his hand, Marline felt her ass tighten and grow, as her hips widened and waist narrowed giving her a great hourglass figure, her legs grew longer making her stand taller, from her previous 5’4 to her new 5’10. It may only have been 6 inches but boy was it noticeable, Marlise purred her appreciation as her hands ran over all her new curves.

Dave hit the intercom, “Candy, can you come in here please” he ordered.

“Sure thing boss!” came the reply quickly followed by the door opening, “What can I do for you boos?” Candy asked before she saw Marlise standing naked in the middle of the office, Marlise just blushed as Candy walked in, it took her a minute to register the busty naked girl, “Oh my god!” Candy eventually said, “What happened to you Marlise!?” Candy asked, as she took in her changes, before Candy would’ve stood 2 inches taller than Marlise but now she was dwarfed by her and of course Candy’s tits looked puny next to Marlise’s. Marlise looked at Dave waiting for a command.

“Go ahead Marlise, tell her” Dave stated.

“Dave has become my dominant master and has transformed me so I can better please him” Marlise said, enjoying the feeling of her cock growing a little more.

“Wow!” Candy said with a big smile, “Dave is super kind like that!” she added.

“Yes I am and now it’s time for some real fun!” Dave said tightening his grip on the bone.


What does Dave do next?

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