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Payback (with panties!) | cementbrain | 17


When you get home from school you rush up to your room. You go to your trash can and see that it is empty, no papers, no junk, and no DVD. "Shit," you say and go to your computer. You boot it up and eject the disc drive, nothing in there either. You start going through all of your drawers, throwing things on the floor, moving your desk and bed leaving no stone unturned in your search for the disc. You are disturbed by your mom knocking on the door.

"What are you doing?" she asks as she opens the door.

Red-faced you reply, "Um ... I'm rearranging my room."

"Well get this cleaned up right away, because I'm not going to do it. I had to take the trash out for you again today. I really wish you would remember to do that when I ask," she says.

"Oh right mom, I'll get this straightened up, don't worry." She leaves and you moodily start putting everything back in its place. Today was trash day and your mom must have emptied your garbage. The disc is gone for good. After you finish putting everything away, you go down for dinner. You don't say much to your mom, and spend most of the time wondering how you are going to get a new copy of the disc. Forgetting all about it is not an option you are willing to consider at the moment.

After dinner, you go to your computer hoping to maybe find a torrent of the movie. No luck on that count, but you do find the website of the company that made the disc. You see that their offices are in your town. You navigate to the contact page and write an email to them:

I'm not sure how to put this, so I'll just come right out and say it. A couple weeks ago you filmed me at a party, then you sent me a copy of the movie I was in, “Teenage Virgin Trannies 3." I really liked the disc, but my copy got scratched, and now I can't watch it anymore. I was hoping you could send me a new copy.


You continue to search around online, not really expecting to get an answer, however about 15 minutes later, you get a new email alert:


It was great to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear that your disc got ruined; I would love to send you a new one. However I won't be able to get you a new copy for a couple weeks. We have sold out, mostly because of your scene, and won't have any new production copies for a while. If you want though, you could come down to our studios and I could burn you an unedited copy with all the deleted scenes. Just let me know when you might be able to stop by.


You heart flutters as you read the part about your scene causing a sell out, but you don't think that you can face the idea of seeing Sam or Mike in person so you resign yourself to waiting a couple weeks. You shut down your computer and go to bed. However you don't sleep much at all, you think too much about your scene and by the morning you make up your mind to go and get a copy of your disc in person. You send Sam an email saying that you could be there around 5:00 today.

While you are at school, you get an email back from him saying that he looks forward to seeing you again and he and Mike both hope you wear something as sexy as last time they saw you. This causes you to panic. You hadn't planned on going to their studio as Kristy, but now that you think about it, you think that you really should. It is one thing for them to see you as you were, but it would be much more embarrassing for them to see the real you, to know who you really are. You decide that you need to dress up again before you go.

You cut out of school early and head to the mall. You go into one of the teen girl stores and work up the courage to ask for some help. You tell the girl working there that you are looking for a new outfit for your girlfriend. You want to surprise her for your one year anniversary. The clerk thinks you are the sweetest boy ever and shows you a number of things. You pick out a little yellow sundress. The clerk looks at you a little funny as you hold the dress up in front of yourself, your face turns red as you tell her your girlfriend is about the same size as you. As you continue to look around, she catches you a couple more times holding up clothes to the mirror. Finally, she smirks a little and says "Hmm, I think I know just the outfit for her." The emphasis she puts on the "her" in her statement leads you to think that she probably knows your secret. When she winks at you as she leads you to the back of the store, you are sure that she knows.

"Here's something that I'm sure she would look very sexy in," she says as she hands you a very short skirt. "This top would go great with it." The shirt is a cropped white tee shirt with a girl in profile blowing a huge bubble with her gum and the words "I like to Blow Big Ones" in pink letters.

You can feel yourself turn red and stammer "I'm not sure ... I don't think she would like that."

"Oh sure she would," says the clerk. "All girls really want to show the world how sexy they can be." She hands you some strappy sandals with a wedge heel. "If she wears these with it, she'll be the sexiest girl in town." You take the sandals and stand there holding everything not sure what to do next. She looks around the store and sees no one else in there so she grabs your hand and pulls you along towards the changing rooms. "Come on," she says, "your 'girlfriend' needs to try those things on to really see how sexy she'll be." She pushes you in and shuts the door behind you. As you are standing there, she hands over a pair of panties and says "you'll need these as well."

You aren't sure what to do, part of you really wants to put on the clothes, but part of you wants to get the hell out of there and run home.


What do you do?

          You dress up

          Try to delay.

          You have your eye on another outfit


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