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Anime Robo-sluts | nelo | 8


A few days after you send your order, you receive a letter confirming your purchase:

"Dear customer,

Thank you for purchasing our most favourite bundle of anime-themed androids, Sakura and Ino from Naruto. We assure you that our quality and service are flawless.

As for your information about the goods you will receive: They will...

- look like they would at around 18 years of age (with a bit of optimized factors, of course)
- behave exactly according to their personality
- be a bit more open to your suggestions though, and can adapt accordingly
- be able to emulate human emotions perfectly
- be able to act independently without input, although still bount to all social rules and their personalities
- feel like humans in any aspect
- recharge nearly automatically
- know how to do household chores, etc.
- come packed with 2 remotes to turn them off or on (pun intended), AND a panic button, which will immediately compell them to follow your commands for a brief amount of time.

If there is any problem with the product or you wish any modifications, feel free to let us know. Your product will arrive seven days after you´ve received this letter. We hope you enjoy it."

Now, a week later, you can´t even sit still in anticipation of the delivery. In fact, once your bell finally rings, you could probably win a 100-m-dash with ease, you´re on your front door that fast. After the delivery boy finally leaves, you rip the large package open and see Sakura and Ino laying next to each other, dressed in their respective clothes from Shippuden.

You hesitate for a moment, then you reach out and touch Sakuras face. They even feel warm. Sure looks like they´re sleeping and even then, they are breathtaking. While Inos bust is larger than Sakuras, Sakura has slightly rounder and well-shaped hips, but even so, neither of them can be viewed as ugly in any aspect. But you didn´t bought them just to look at them, right?

There´s also a small manual with them. Surprisingly small even, considering the complicated technology packed into their bodies, but the inventors probably made it foolproof. The manual tells you stuff you know about their personalities, their sizes in case you want to purchase other costumes for them, and that´s about it. The panic button mentioned in the letter is on the remote, easily recognizable, but it will use a great deal of power to force the running programs in their minds to bent to your will momentarily. It also says that the remotes require two batteries each, which not did come packed with it. Scrambling through your house, you actually find two working sets of batteries in less than five minutes...

Packed next to the girls, you find the two remotes, each clearly labelled with their names, and two buttons to activate and deactivate them, and a red one. You presume this is the panic button. Now, you've already encountered your first problem: Should you start slow with one or immediately get every cent you invested into them back from both of them?


Push da button?

          Both of them, naturally!


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