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A Strange Charm | rhetorical | 5


The more you think about it, the more --- different you feel. You feel something like confidence, but it's more than just a feeling of being more sure of yourself. You just can't come up with any reason why anyone would have a problem with you being naked.

But you feel a little wary of these feelings. What if you've just gone mad? You'd remember if you ate mushrooms in the forest, right?

You decide on a sort of compromise between doing what feels natural to you (going au naturel, as it were) and putting on clothes: you will throw on a white button-down shirt. It's the best of both worlds: an office shirt together with skin should average out to casual. Or something... You realize that it doesn't make any sense, but it just feels awkward to put on anything more.

Anyway, you're just meeting up with your friend Carrie. You're good friends, and are meeting over coffee to catch up a bit. You've gone swimming with her before, and it's not like she'll see much more than she's already seen before.

You're just friends with Carrie, but thinking about her makes your cock throb despite yourself. She's always been fairly attractive: brown hair to her shoulders, a build just a shade softer than "athletic", and a quirky sense of humor. You dated a little in high school, but both decided that you felt much more at ease as friends than in a romantic relationship. This hasn't kept your from lusting after her now and then, though. She knows this, and flirts playfully with you now and then, but always politely drew the line well before the physical stage.

You walk to the front door. On the way, you see the nymph with milk droplets scattered on her face and in her hair, sitting in your cereal bowl. She looks a little strange, and squeaks at you. She cups her hand, and pools a droplet of the remaining milk in the same gesture she used to ask for her breakfast earlier. You smile at her, and get the milk out of the fridge.

She looks at the container with wild eyes, still sitting in the bowl. Just for fun, you decide to pour the milk gently over her body. Her eyes go wide, and she gives a long mewling squeal. When you've poured enough for her to be sitting ass-deep in a puddle of milk, you stop and put the milk away. Looking to the nymph, she is gasping deep breaths and squeezing her breasts roughly. Her mouth is hanging open in a wide grin. Her eyes focus on you long enough to pantomime the way she licks your cock, and then she slumps down into the bowl of milk. You're not sure you'll ever think of milk the same way again; you wonder how she'd react to honey...

You twist the doorknob, and out you head to the coffee shop, which is just a few minutes away.


Do you meet up with your friend at the coffee shop? What happens next?

          You get to the coffeee shop before Carrie


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