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Wishful Thinking | rhetorical | 19


"Okay, start!" announce Ms. Cannings.

"Mmm," said Jenny, stroking her hand casually down your backside. She grasps one cheek lightly. "This way, my dear," she says, directing you towards Maddy and Charity, who were already in a clique with each other.

"Jenny!" Maddy says cheerfully as you arrive. She is gently stroking the underside of Greg's very hard member. "Glad you could join us. This certainly is an interesting class, isn't it? Very... stimulating."

"It certainly is," says Jenny, lighly grasping your cock-head and squeezing. Charity just scoffs.

"Let's sit down, I'm tired of standing from the last sketch," Maddy continues. After a round of agreement, the girls make to sit down. Maddy pulls Greg down gently with her, and Charity simply sits down next to her nameless partner, leaving him standing, while she stroked her hand up and down his calf muscles.

"Lie down please, there's a good boy," Jenny says to you as she sits:you lie down, and she starts gently tracing one finger up and down the underside of your manhood. It feels exquisite.

"Charity! You're barely touching your boy at all!" complains Maddy. "What's the matter?"

"He was terribly rude to me," she complained. "Just walked up behind me and started groping my butt, without so much as saying 'hello'. Not like your boy!" she complained to Jenny.

Jenny cooed. "Yes, I'm very happy with my ," she boasted, teasing a fingertip in a circle around the cap of your penis. You groan. "He was very much a gentleman, even while he was pawing at my tits and fingering my snatch!"

This roused a chorus of giggles, and Jenny paused to leans over and plant a short open-mouthed kiss on your cock-head, flicking it once with her tongue. You gasp.

"Oooh!" chirps Charity. "That looked fun! Do you mind if I try?"

Jenny looked at her sternly. "Charity, why I never! We can switch boys for a moment, but play gently with him. There are some things which only *I* am allowed to to to ! At least at the moment!" she winks at Charity.

"And you, Maddy?" asked Jenny as she moved over to Charity's forlorn looking partner. "You seem fairly happy with Greg." Charity nodded as she lightly grasped your hard-on, and gave it an experimental stroke. You thrill at the touch of a girl who is all but a total stranger to you.

"Oh, Greg was just fine!" she said, tracing her fingers lazily down his abdomen, between his legs, under his scrotum --- everywhere, now that they were sitting, but his cock. He looked very tense. "He was very original --- he took to my breasts, which is hardly surprising," she said, cupping a breast with the other hand, causing the girls to chuckle, "but he told me exactly what he was doing the whole time. He introduced himself, 'Hi, this is Greg, and I'd just love to fondle your wonderful breasts'. I said 'okay, I guess', and he started into me, talking dirty in my ear, telling me how much he would like to take me from behind, right then and there!" The girls gasped theatrically at the scandal! "He was *relentless*, making my nipples stiff, my poor hungry pussy wet, and there I was trying to remain composed!"

"Why, that beast!" said Charity, who had really gotten into the rhythm with you, and was stroking you slowly but steadily. Jenny, who had pulled Charity's partner down to her level and was giving him a back massage, agreed.

"Now, don't talk about Greggy that way," said Maddy, giving his mushroom head a quick squeeze. Greg's eyes practically jumped from his skull, and he breathed raggedly. "He asked my permission first, after all, and I found it terribly exhilirating! And he was perfectly honest the whole time. You can't say that of , Jenny."

"I suppose," said Jenny, reaching around to stroke a pectorial.

"Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not going to torture Greg every last second of this exercise!" the girls laugh.

Charity's doing a good job of keeping you excited: you're breathing hard. But you can't help but wonder what the other people in class are doing.

You look around and see that the rest of the group has formed another clique. Clarice was straddling James, and had his erect penis in her hand. The unknown girl who had been getting fingered was also sitting her same way on her partner, with strings of cum dripping off of her chest and face. Ms. Cannings was standing with her back to you, and with Denny presumably in front of her: you could hear him gasping with agony.

"Oops, I'd better slow down with Denny here, you almost made him pop," she says to the girl. "Leona, I'm afraid you went a little to quickly with Jacob there. Poor girl, what a mess!" She and Clarice giggle. "I'd offer to help you get him hard again, but I want to be sure that Denny here is properly rewarded for his bravado," she says, emphasizing the word lewdly. "Why don't you take off your panties and wave you pussy in front of his face? That should bring him back."

"Looks like he likes that idea," Clarice sang playfully, as Jacob's cock twitched.

"You won't mind me undressing?" Leona asked.

"Not at all," Ms. Cannings said. "Go ahead, dear, make yourself comfortable! Just don't mount him, or he won't be the only one swelling below." Clarice broke into a barking laughter, while Leona blushed furiously.

"You're doing a fine job keeping James excited," Ms. Cannings complimented her.

"Oh, we do this all the time," Clarice replies. "We head downstairs to watch a movie, and we slip his pants off, and I just rub his little penis head on the top like this," she said, illustrating her technique on his not-so-small penis head, rubbing his own pre-cum over his helmet. "I can keep him running with goo for a whole movie. But he never pays attention to the plot!" she pouts exaggeratedly, and then breaks into a minxish smile. "And he returns the favour when we're at his place. If I didn't love him so much, I could just devour him whole."

Your attention is yanked back furiously by the feeling of something wet and hot on your cock. You look to see Jenny look at you as she swirled her tongue lewdly around your shaft. "That did it," she says triumphantly.

"JENNY!" says Maddy with delighted shock. She's brought Greg into her lap, and has him resting against her breasts while she slowly pulls on his cock. Chastity laughs at them both as she squeezes her partner's balls just a little more than he's comfortable with: he looks nervous.

"Well, I want to make sure that I'm the center of his attention! I can't have his eyes wandering while I play with his love-muscle. I want him to know that *I'm* the one who controls his cock." She brings her lips down to suck lightly on it.

"Jenny, of all the lewd things!" Maddy exclaims, unconsciously stroking Greg's cock a little faster.

Jenny lets your cock fall from her lips. "Fortune favours the bold, Maddy. In this case, she's also *savouring* the bold. 's cock is damned tasty." She slurps it back into her mouth.

You flex and grunt at Jenny's oral teasing. Charity is in hysterics at Jenny's outrageousness, and it's all she can do to clutch at her partner's thigh. "Well, two can play at that game!" Maddy exclaims, and manoevers Greg so that he's facing her: she gently pushes his head into her cleavage.

Your nerves are tingling, and Jenny has dropped all pretense, swirling her tongue masterfully around your cock. You thrill at the enthusiastic blowjob you're getting, in the middle of Drama class.

"Stop!" calls Ms. Cannings to the rest of the class.


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