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Absolute Power | rhetorical | 8


"... standing hamstring stretches," you finish. "Everyone line up at the front of the gym, facing the stage."

This girls line up standing with their butts facing you. Janine and Lacey on the right, with Denis in the middle, and the other two girls --- Cherie and Mary --- on the left. "Okay girls. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend over at the waist, and reach forward to support yourself on the lip of the stage. I'll be testing to see how well you're stretching those legs."

You walk up to Janine from behind. You can see tendons behind her knees straining, and the muscles in the backs of her thighs are taut. Her furry pussy is showing between her legs, a sliver of bright pink in a nest of brown. "You look like you're doing a good job, Janine. Let's feel how tight your muscles are."

You bring a hand to to the back of her knee, and trace your fingers gently upwards, causing Janine to gasp. "Don't tense up, Janine, you don't want to pull a muscle, do you?" She just grunts uneasily, the tension of the stretch making it difficult for her to talk. You caress her hamstrings in the back of her legs, letting your fingers creep between her legs, but careful not to touch her love nest as you stroke the insides of her thigh. "That's good and tight," you tell Janine, who is breathing raggedly from the stretch, and also from being caressed so casually as she exposes herself to you.

You move on to Lacy. She's shorter and less flexible, and you can hear her quietly grunting with pain as she tries to bend over further. "Take it easy there, Lacy," you tell her.

"I want to do it right," she grunts.
"The right way to do it is what you're able to," you reply.
"I want to pass your test," she grunts. "I want to show that I follow orders. I want you to like what you see when I stretch," she says, straining to look sideways at you, her eyes burning at you.
Interesting, you think. You're not sure about the other girls, but Lacy at least seemed to think that this gym class was going to develop into an S/M session. (In retrospect, you reflect, that's not such a leap to make.) More interesting still, she was eager for it to happen.

"Stand up Lacy," you tell her firmly. She whimpered as she drew herself erect, thinking she had failed you. But you draw behind her and reach around her, grasping her across her collar and her hips, pulling her roughly into your body. She gasps as your rock hard manhood presses against the top of her butt, and into her back.

"Listen to me, Lacy," you whisper intensely into her ear. She is standing perfectly still, breathing quickly. "Your eagerness has been noted. When the time is right, I will call on you to submit to me. But while I demand your obedience, the purpose of this class is to ready yourself for me, and you will do me no good if you injure yourself. Restrain yourself to do what you are able." You let your arm around her collar drift down, and you pinch a nipple, hard, causing her to gasp. "When you are properly limbered, you will be rewarded." You release her, and speak aloud, firmly "Now try again, Lacy."

You saunter up behind Denis, who is muttering under her breath. "I hope you're enjoying yourself, sicko," she accuses.

"Do you have a problem, Denis?" you ask her sternly.

"Oh, come on!" she yells at you from between her legs. "You're obviously having us do these stretches so that you can perve at us bending over!" she says with ragged breath. "We're not going to fuck you, you know. You're going to have to go back to the men's locker room and jack yourself off."

"Not unless we can watch," deadpans Mary with a perfectly sweet voice, causing the other girls to snicker.

"Denis," you tell her. "It sounds like you have some anger issues. It's okay: you don't have to hide the fact that I make you horny." You look between her legs to see her pussy: her labia are indeed flush, and spread wide open. "You're just going to have to be patient. But if it will help, I can give you a bit of releif," you tell her, slipping your hand between her legs. She jerks upwards, but keeps her legs planted there, still trying to still perform the stretch, as you have not told her to do otherwise.

She looks over her shoulder at you with mixed hatred and need as you slip two fingers into her moist vagina. "Fucker," she spits at you, with not quite enough vitriol to be convincing. She eases herself back down as far as she can go, grunting loudly. "Ungh. Fuck. Unnnnmmm. I fucking hate you, you bastard. Unh. Yeah."

As unceremoniously as you started, you pull your fingers out, and wipe them off on Denis' buttocks and hips.


What next?

          Bring about Denis' downfall using sitting splits


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