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The Choices We Make | niceguy2002tim | 11


Inside her locker, lying on the bottom shelf, is a small, dirty ball of gray fur. After a second look you realize it's Katherine's new kitten, Fluffy, that was missing over night thought run over What made it so hard to tell is that it looks like its been covered in glue and rolled repeatedly in the dirt. Your jaw drops at the cruelty and Katherine grabs you, hugging you tightly. She has her arms around you and her head on your shoulder. She begins to sob and you feel her tears soaking through your shirt. You wrap your arms around her and hold her tightly. Softly you comfort her by rubbing your hand in a clockwise direction on her lower back. You let go of Katherine momentarily and reach inside the locker to take the poor kitten out. When you touch the body, it jolts awake and begins to meow pathetically. Both Katherine and you had though it was dead but in actual fact it was asleep and is now very hungry after being shut in a locker overnight.

That is when you see Sarah Banks down the hall, she has an evil smile on her face. You step away from Katherine and tell her to take the kitten home and have it cleaned up. Quickly you walk down the hall toward Sarah. When she sees you heading for her she takes flight and runs away. You follow her, gaining quickly. She makes a right turn and goes through a door. The door leads to the stage in the auditorium. When you enter the door and make your way up the stairs you find Sarah sitting on the edge of a bed in the middle of the stage. The bed was a prop from the Romeo and Juliet, the last play the school had put on. The only light on the stage is a huge spotlight from above that shines on the bed making a circle of light.

It appears that you have fallen into Sarah plan. She knew you would follow her as you did. Slowly you walk the rest of the distance till you are standing in front of her. She smiles as you look down at her.
"You are one crazy bitch. How could you do something like that to a cat?" you say.
"I know, but would you have preferred I did some thing to mess up your Kat!" Sarah threatens. "I always get what I want. No one rejects me like you did last night."
"What exactly is it you want?" you question her angrily.


What does Sarah Banks want?

          A cock to suck.


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