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"Yes" | daregirls21 | 14


It seemed like forever before he typed again.

BIGMAN07: Am I on a laptop or desktop computer? I think you said before, but I forget.

TANYAZ: Laptop.

BIGMAN07: Ok, take me with you, I wanna see 16 year olds room. I'll let you hold the computer with your hands but nothing else unless I say ! Remember!

It was then that Tanya realized that he really didn't get it. She didn't have any choice.
If he really understood that he wouldn't feel compelled to remind her. He thought she was just
some slut.

She carried the computer with her down the hallway, it was dark and she had to be quiet because the other kids rooms were right across the hall.

When she got got to Ben's room she set down the comptuer and thought about how to open the door.

She got on her knees and tried to turn the knob with her mouth. But couldn't get enough of a grip on it. Then she saw the screen flashing and turned to look at the laptop, hoping he had gotten sick of watching this.

She saw

BIGMAN07: hahahaha

So she turned around again and thought about it. Her breasts were too big and wouldn't hold. So she turned around and opened her butt cheecks, and closed them around the knob. By standing on her tip-toes she was just able to get it turned and opened.

She almost fell though and caught her breathe, reminded again that the kids were sleeping in the other room.

Bens room was disgusting. Typical 16 year old boy, it had old cloths and trash everywhere. It smelled nasty as well.

BIGMAN07: Well lets start out easy. Strip off the mom's cloths and roll
from one end of the floor to the other.

Naked again, Tanya felt the cool air of the air conditioning kick in and she walked over to one end of the room. She lied down right on top of an xbox controller and started rolling slowly across the carpeting.

She rolled over an old bag of chips, that crumbled against her legs. She felt something wet on her back at one point, but she just kept rolling until her whole body felt disgusting. The egg yolk had largely dried, but it was still there. It would probably cause the kids room to smell after awhile, but she doubted that he would even notice. It did cause a sock and some food pellets to stick to her however.


What has he noticed in the room now?



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