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A Fun-Filled Future | MrGuy | 1


You, , were part of a secret time travel experiment on the part of the U.S. government in the year 2000. Your duty was to travel in your Boeing engineered time pod to the year 2075, the most distant future it could travel to and still have enough full to get back, and retrieve any and all data you can find, both tactical and technological.

The time pod is a large white dome, about the size of two cars put side by side. It contains you and your supplies with just enough room to carry another person back with you if the need should arise.

It seems like just hours ago that you climbed into it and tensely listened to the count down until the jump would be made to the year 2075.

Although the time pod had been carefully tested it still was very dangerous to use and travel in it was very stressful on the human body. More than that all the tests had been done for travel over no more than a couple of months. No one knew if a man could really survive a 75 year jump.

Because of all this you remember blacking out during time travel. Afterwards you have a fuzzy memory of someone prying open the pod door and some women with police uniforms on and shocked looks on their faces standing over you talking. After that you don't remember anything until...


What happens next?

          You wake up

          dream about the future


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