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Make Up Sex Revenge Sex | spongmaster | 3


Well I really didn't have to choose what to do, Elizabeth saw me first. She didn't look to happy, but she did wave me over to her. I smiled back, and then went over to her. She wasn't my favorite person in the world, she could be a real fucking bitch; she always had to be right, she had to control everything, and if you didn't agree with her then you were just "too ignorant."

That being said she was pretty hot. She had long straight light brown hair, soft blue eyes, and a big smile, was total tanned body, and had legs that went on for miles. She was wearing what she usually wore: a t shirt about a half size to small (she knew she was hot and used it) and a pair of jeans that hugged her ass like a small child to its mother.

"I hate break ups," she told me before I could say hi, "Someone always takes it harder than they should."

"Tell me something I don't know. So who was the dumper and who was the dumpy?"

"I dumped him: I was getting tired of him going out with his friends all the time, but liked him. So we came here so I could give him one last chance - you know how much I like shopping - but he started checking out the high school girls and I don't want to hold onto something going nowhere."

"Well I guess you're taking it well. Speaking of ex's Rebekah gave me a call."

"Really, what did she want?"

"No clue and I don't care either. I wasn't planning on calling her."

"Good, you deserve better than her. Plus I heard she is les."

"Really?" She nodded, and then explained that Rebekah moved in with another women near where Elizabeth had a friend, and heard sex coming from Rebekah's place on a few occasions. "But then again it might have been her roommate having a friend over - or Rebekah having someone over."

"That sounds more logical; Rebekah did get around before we were together. But if that was true then it would explain a bit."

We talked some more about other crap, TV shows, books, some sports (she was kind of into basketball but didn't know much about the sport) even crazy celebrities.

"Oh before I forget can you give me a ride home when you go, my ex was the one who drove and I don't think he's going to be up for driving me back after what I said to him."

"Well that depends, what did you say to him?"

"That he was too short to reach the top shelf and his tongue felt like sand paper."

"He doesn't look that...oh, ouch. Yeah I'll give you a ride."

Well she didn't want to leave yet so I had some time to kill.

"Seen anything worth buying?" This was a potentially a bad question around her - this girl loved to go shopping. And I was right; she brightened up right when I asked.

"Well there was this dress, and a few other items worth taking a look at. I just need a male opinion on them though," she battered her eyes at me.


Now what?

          Go with her


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