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Sarahs Secret Diary | masbdsm | 3


You quickly thumb through the pages, hoping for some insight on this intriguing girl. About half way through the diary you stop and read a passage labeled:

*John may be the one!* Continuing to read on, she wrote:

*We talked at lunch about old flames; he felt something was missing with his ex girlfriends. When I asked him what was wrong with them he responded by saying they were too demanding, always wanting to have their way. When I responded by asking if it be nice to have a girl friend that would do anything you wanted? He looked straight into my eyes and said that she would be his ideal girl friend.*

*Bummer night, he spent the whole time asking what was wrong with him. INSECURE, WIMPY WUS!*

Hmm, you thumb through to another that caught your eye.

*Matt joked around about bdsm yesterday, but then never followed up. Hints didn’t work to start the conversation back up. ;lasdjf;laskdf;lajsd another one down the tubes.*

Knowing time is short, you quickly scroll to the last page to see what she said about you.

*Cute, kinda bland, not much hope for what I am looking for, but what the hell….*

Hearing a noise you quickly put the diary back and turn towards the door as Sara walks in with the glass of water.

Sara holds out the glass of water “Here you go.”


You respond by:

          Accept the water... forcefully. Try to feel Sarah out.


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