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Son of Gods | hellbentnow | 2


(This is the female version, What if the child was a girl)

4 years later (not specifying her sexuality)

Jane was now 21 years old 5’ 9, and weighted 129 owner of successful business line all across pounds. She was one of the youngest billionaire ever, she was the USA; she was based in New York. Jane was rich and happy but she was horny as hell. She could simply pick up some boys using mind control but what was the fun in that? No one wants a brain-dead dummy who obeys your every command like a robot or did she?
She knew using the power completely selfishly would cause her trouble. So every two week she donates three billion dollars to a chosen Charity. She also found homes for orphans and help the homeless get off the street and get a job. Jane knew she could use this power fully for herself and get completely caught up in the wrong thing, Jane could let that happen there just were too many hot boys to screw!


Company boys
Boys from Anime, History, Cartoons or Made up/random dimensions
Random boys
Even the porn convention be held a couple blocks down the street.
(That ever you decide)

Jane wasn’t sure what to do but she was going to get some sex no matter what!


What will she do?


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