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Tv Lover | daciasdesire | 7


Buffy takes you to the Sunnydale cemetery as she says this is a common hunting ground for the undead. You seen to walk around for ages without hearing anything and you�re beginning to think that maybe there aren�t any vampires around tonight. All of a sudden you feel a hand covering your mouth and one holding your arms down. You try to yell for Buffy but you voice comes out as a garbled muffle. You then notice that Buffy has all she can hand at the moment as she is being attacked but what looks like a dozen vamps. You frantically try to look for Dawn. You manage to struggle a little against the incredibly powerful person holding you so that you turn your head to your right. Dawn is being head by another person with a ridged forehead and glowing eyes.

You can feel yourself starting to panic. What happens if you get killed inside the TV? Can you actually die? Buffy is finding the going tough and looks like see is any second from being overwhelmed by the pack see is fighting. You force your mind to resist the fear that is paralyzing you and spring into action. You resist being held with all your strength and are able to free your arms. You then reach for the sky and at the same time drop to the ground breaking free from the hold and uncovering your mouth. You look to Dawn and yell, �Let her go.� A puzzled look crosses the face of the vampire holding her and then it releases Dawn. You roll away from the vampire that had been holding you. It starts to stalk you menacingly but you yell at it, �See that branch,� pointing to a tree that has lost one of it limbs leaving behind a pointy stump. �Go jump at it. Hard.� The vampire does as you command and runs as fast as it can at the tree, impaling itself. It explodes is a shower of dust.

You turn your attention to Buffy�s situation and see what you can do to help. Buffy is being held to the ground by three vampires while another holds a large axe over her stomach. It starts to swing the weapon when you yell, �Miss.� At the last instant its swing goes wide and slams through the necks of the two vamps on Buffy�s arms. They explode into dust as well. Buffy then goes for the stake a couple of feet away. She grasps it and turns to stab the one that�s got a hold of her feet. It too is stabbed and turns to dust. The rest of the vampires look at you and run off.

You check to see if everyone is all right. Buffy looks at you an says, �that was amazing. How do you do it?� You have no real idea so you just shrug your shoulders. Dawn comes up to you and puts her arms around you and says, �I told you he was amazing. Next time you might want to believe me.� She moves her head in and kisses you on the lips. You kiss her back but without using tongues in front of her sister. Dawn then walks to her sister and you go to where the vampire dropped its axe as it fled. You bend down to pick it up and say, �looks cool. Think I might keep this.� You rest it against your shoulder as the three of you head back to Dawn and Buffy�s house.

Buffy offers to put you up for the night and you agree, as you are exhausted. You are shown your room and drift off to sleep almost instantly. You are awoken later that night as a shadow enters your room tying to be a silent as possible.


Who is it?

          Buffy enters the room.

          Dawn enters the room.

          Spike enters the room.

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