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Tv Lover | daciasdesire | 6


You clasp Stacy's slender hand and shake. "All right you've got yourself a deal. Help me beat HHH and you get to be in the threesome," you say. Stacy jumps up and down excitedly and makes arrangements to meet you at the hotel room the WWE has hired for you. You take a seat again and feel a small glimmer of hope that you may escape with your life. About half an hour passes while you're in the locker room and you watch the main event on a monitor. You see Triple H destroy Kane in a fearsome display. As the show comes to a close a WWE official comes to escort you to your hotel room for the night. It is immaculately furnished and you guess you must be receiving special treatment reserved for only the WWE's biggest stars.

You awake the next day to a knocking at your room's door. You stubble out of bed dressed in only your boxers and open the door. You snap awake as Stacy barges into the room followed by a group of workers. "Good your up, we have a lot to do". No need getting dressed as I've brought the WWE's costume designers with me. We need to outfit you with some tights for the Pay-Per-View and it will be easier if you're undressed," she tells you in a very business like manner. For the next two hours you are measured and show countless different designs of clothes. Eventually Stacy and the designers decide on a long pant set of tights with a contrasting dark blue and black pattern. You could be mistake but your body seems to have grown a little bit into shape over night. Perhaps it's the power of the remote but your starting to look like one of the wrestlers' muscle wise. Your confidence is growing too with your newfound conditioning.

Next on the agenda is a trip to a gym for some training in the ring. Outside the building is a stretched black limo. You comment to Stacy on the wheels and she says, "Hey giving Vince McMahon the occasional blow job sure has its perks attached." At the gym Stacy takes you through a range of moves and skills that any wrestler should know. She seems to spend an extra amount of time on positions that are rather compromising and you can help but get a bit turned on. She notices your arousal and gives your member a squeezes before saying, "not until the Pay-Per-View," dashing your hopes. Just like your body, you are able to learn the moves with astonishing speed and soon are moving about the ring like a ten-year veteran. You are thoroughly exhausted by the time you are dropped of that night and immediately put yourself to bed.

The next day you go through the same routine with another session at the gym. Today lesson is however on counters to Triple H's range of moves." Your new physique, which has improved even more overnight, enables you to complete the work out feeling only slightly worn out as compared to totally knackered yesterday. The final lesson Stacy has to give you is one that may well win your match against HHH for you. She takes you through a guaranteed counter to Triple H's pedigree. Stacy tells you that The Game confined in her this secret to his finisher one night after sex with her. You hope if will work as well as she promises.

That night over dinner with Stacy at an exclusive restaurant you and Stacy plot on a way to send a message to Triple H that you're prepared to play the game.


What do you and Stacy plan to do at Smackdown?

          You have a nasty surprise for Triple H.


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