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Adventures with Xena, Warrior Princess! | groinkickgirl | 8


They will go to see the Amazons.

But on the way there, they get lunch and dinner from the market;
and Xena gets an invitation to a bare-fisted kick-boxing tournament from Hercules' sister (who is hoping to marry the winner) - she accepts, enters and registers in one visit, the event isn't until next Saturday.
"Right!" Xena replied, that's all taken care of, now let's go to Amazonia"
"We'd better get going! It's not good to keep the Goddesses waiting!" replied Gabrielle.

When they get there, they see weapons and all sorts of preparations ... the Amazons are going to war ... the have "accidentally" used up all their men, and they have decided to go to Athens prison to capture some more expendable men that nobody will be missing for a while to pleasure and please themsleves with.


How do they capture the convicts?


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