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Tv Lover | daciasdesire | 4


You take the microphone of Stephanie and address the crowd, �I think we should give the good people here in the audience exactly what they came here to see. Let�s get this contest underway now.� The crowd erupts and starts to chant �We Want Puppies� as the music hits and the various divas begin to strip off. Before your very eyes you see all the most beautiful women the WWE has to offer. Trish, Torrie, Stacy, Molly, Ivory, Nidia, Jazz, Debra and Terri are all there. As you watch they begin to discard various articles of clothing.

However before they can get too far you want to disqualify someone of the ladies. You once again take the mic from Stephanie, �I�m sorry but I�m going to have to call a few of you ladies up already. Debra, I�m sure no one in the crowd wants to see your disgustingly old, plastic surgery created body. So why don�t you do us all a favor and get out of here before you make us sick. Same goes for you Terri. Anorexia doesn�t turn back the clock thirty years unfortunately.� The crowd continues to cheer as you cut the ladies and Stephanie nods her approval to your choices.

Next on your list to be cut is the manly Jazz. �Sorry Jazz but we�ve already got the one man-beast in this federation and that�s Rhino. Its time to go.� Jazz is pissed at being cut. She jumps up and down in frustration and looks like she is going to punch you. Trish steps in the wall to protect you and Jazz gives her a viscous clothesline. Trish crumples to the ground and Jazz starts to sink the boots in. A bunch of referees run down and eventually manage to get Jazz to the back stage area as a stretcher is brought out for Trish.

You cut to a commercial break and when you come back the remaining girls have stripped down to just their g-strings. Only Torrie, Stacy, Molly, Ivory and Nidia remain. The girls are doing all their best posses in order to attract your attentions, however you still have to cut some more. Molly is next to go, followed by Ivory and Nidia. You�ve always liked Nidia character, cheap and easy, but there was no way you would pick them over either of the last two girls. Stephanie takes the mic back from you and says, �Seeing as our judge here is having such a �hard� time choose, I think you divas should lose the g-strings in order for you to help him make up his mind. I think I should loss my top as well, I don�t want to be left out now do I.� Steph proceeds to undo the buttons on her business shirt. She drops it to the ground and is left in a black bra and mini. She beckons you too come to her and gets you to undo the front catch with your teeth. The crowd goes crazy as Stephanie presses your face into her cleavage. It�s a struggle but you get it undo and her large voluptuous bosoms burst free.

Mean while Torrie and Stacy have each taken each other�s thong off and running there hands over each other�s body. You get the girls to bend over in front of you so that you can have a better look at their pussy. Both girls are shaved bald. Torrie has a very compact tight ass and as she bends over you can see a tight little pussy that shows the earliest signs of getting moist. Stacy ass is very slim and her long legs frame her pussy beautifully. Her pussy lips are open and running juices making you think she gets round a bit. You come to stand between the girls and take a hand in yours. Stephanie holds the mic up to your mouth so you can announce the winner. �Ladies and gentleman the winner of the threesome strip contest goes to... Torrie Wilson!� You raise her hand and she jumps around ecstatically. She leaps into your arms and wraps her legs around your waist. Stacy scowls and sulks back up the ramp.

Just then Triple H�s music hits and he appears on the stage with a sledgehammer and a microphone. �I don�t give a crap who you think you are. No one is going to fuck Stephanie but the Game.� He drops the mic and starts stalking toward the ring dragging the sledgehammer along menacingly. He climbs up the ring steps and gets into the ring when Vince McMahon�s music comes on. He too has a microphone and something to say, �I�m Vince McMahon damn it and say who�s going to fuck my daughter around here. No one is going to fuck her tonight. One week from today you and Hunter are going to have a match on Pay-Per-View to determine who be in the threesome with Stephanie and Torrie.� The crowd booing Vince is deafening as everyone in the building wanted to see a threesome. Vince leaves to his music and HHH follows him. Stephanie and Torrie take you in their arms and lead you up the ramp and to the back stage area.

What have you go yourself into? You�re booked in a match against Triple H at Pay-Per-View. If you can win you get to have sex with live on television with Stephanie McMahon and Torrie Wilson


What are you going to do?

          Stacey offer to help

          Eric adds to the match


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