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Comforting the Roommate | scorcha | 16


"Alright, fine. Anything I can get you before I vamoose?"

"No," insists, scooching around on the bed and sitting up. "I think I'll take a shower now and clean all this lube off. Now get out of here before you get the plague too!" That last comment was with a bit of a smile, a hint of the you know and love (platonically, even if you'll admit to more than a pinch of lust towards her).

You quickly beat a hasty retreat, grab your wallet and your keys, throw on a jacket and head to the garage. After washing your hands in the laundry sink, you jump into your sedan and reverse out into the rain.

A couple of blocks later it occurs to you that your cellphone isn't in your pocket. You must have left it at home... on the charger, you remember. Damn. Well, there's nothing for it, you’ll have to go back and get it. Apart from having all your friend's numbers in it (and if you want somewhere to crash for the weekend, you should probably get in touch with likely candidates), if needs something she won’t be able to get a hold of you.

You swing the car into a U-turn and make your way back to your place. As you go into the house, you can hear the sound of the shower running, so you figure must have made good on her intention to clean up. Quietly you go down the hall, into your room and grab your phone. You note with satisfaction that it's been fully charged in your absence.

As you’re on your way back to the car, you notice the noise from the bathroom is louder than you'd expect. Did leave the door open? Even quieter than before, you inch down the hall and turn the corner. As you suspected, the bathroom door is a few inches ajar, and the sound of cascading water reverberates from within. But that isn’t all. Low moans and the occasional muttering reach your ears. Was that your name you just heard?

Do you want to investigate further, stop where you are and wait, or get out of there before you get into trouble?


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