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In the Land of the Beasts | aaaaa123 | 2


You feel pangs of hunger gnaw at your stomach, bringing you back to reality. Whether or not you are a cat person thing, you need some food. You take a few steps, feeling springs in your legs, full of energy. In a flash of inspiration, you try to climb a nearby tree. The trunk is thicker than your body, and you try to dig your claws into the bark. They hold, and you pull yourself up a foot or two, bringing your foot claws to hold you up. Where normally you would have trouble hoisting your body wait by only your fingers and toes, you can do it now with ease. You scale the tree and reach a large limb, where you crouch, surveying the forest around you.

The forest is beautiful. Morning sunlight makes its way through the canopy of leaves overhead, and you can feel the air getting warmer as the minutes pass. Soft, natural noises make their way through the woods, and then you spy a flash of bright red.

A cardinal! The bird lands on a tree branch about five feet away. Instinctively, you stay motionless until it turns its head, and then unthinkingly, you leap out into the air!

Your mind races, realizing what you did, but your instincts kick in, extending your arms as your feet wait for the impact of the branch and then...

The bird chirps loudly as you pin it to the branch, one foot gripping the bark of the trunk, the other brought up to your chest, barely hooking the thick limb in front of you. One of your hands is clutching the limb, the other pins the bird down. Your legs are spread wide, clutching the bark in different places.

You can feel the bird struggling below your hand, and in an instant, your claws flash and the bird is dead. Without hesitation, you bring it to your mouth, chewing of warm meat and spitting out feathers. A few seconds later, the realization dawns on you. You just killed a bird, and you're eating it raw! Nothing bad seems to be happening, and everything feels natural, so after a minute of thinking, you resume eating. The bird is gone shortly. You are spitting out the last bone, when a noise comes from below you...


What happens next?

          Two catgirls

          A small, harmless animal

          The dog people

          A trap


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