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Comforting the Roommate | tantrikenetic | 4


"Okay...I'm done, ." You hear her say. You turn around and see that she's now completely wrapped up in the blue blanket; from her armpits to her knees, as if she was wearing a towel. Her wet clothes are slung over the back of the couch like the blanket was previously. She smiles at you and sit down on the couch. She motiones for you to join her.

You sit down on the cushion next to her. She sighs and stares at the TV straight ahead. "So what were you doing when I came in?" She asked non-chalantly. You feel your face flush. You couldn't tell her what you were actually planning on doing. Not that doesn't know that you jerk off, just that you don't want her to find out it was because you were thinking of her.

"I was just going to get a movie to watch." You respond. There - a half truth. That's not so bad.

"That's sounds good. Can you put one in?" She said. "I want to get my mind off of everything."

"Okay." You respond before getting up and going over to the movie cabinet. "What do you want to watch? Probably not romance, huh?"

"Oh, god no." She shook her head. "That's the last thing I need. Find me a movie we can laugh at or something." You nod and browse your collection.


What movie should you choose?

          A Comedy.

          A Porno.

          Action-Adventure (but something else comes on instead)

          Something fantastically bad


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