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Escape the School | LoneWolf77 | 5


You find the door unlocked and enter.

As you enter the office you see what you would expect, there are two chairs one on each side of the desk, behind the desk is a window. The window is barred with thick chicken wire.

The you see it...the key, right there on the desk. As you go to get the key you hear something, turning around you hear and see Natasha.

"Vell Vell Vell Mister veren't you taught better than to just barge in to other peoples offices," she says with a laugh. "I guess I vill just 'ave to teach you some manners," she adds as she advances on you.

You are so close to getting off this floor, even though you know her strength you know surrender is NOT an option...only one question remains.


Have you fought Natasha before now?




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