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Star Wars: | morec | 5


The scene in the cantina was the day you were recruited into the imperial navy. You started a career with the empire where you quickly made a name for yourself by being able to interogate and break rebel prisoners. You rose through the ranks and had just been promoted to lieutenant when you recieved new orders. Lord Vader himself has ordered your transafer to his star destroyer where you are to interogate a rebel prisoner.
You look over her file on your way to her holding cell and don't find anything special about her, in your opinion. A princess on the planet alderan and a former senator.
The traitors get you especially angry, you will take great pleasure in breaking her.
Walking into her cell you dismiss the stormtrooper guards. Alone in the room with her you can tell she has a strong presence her will is probably strong, which will make this all the more fun.
You quickly shoot her with a paralyzing blaster bolt, a modified stun setting that leaves the target concious and begin.

"Hello princess." You say the word princess with amusement. "Or should I call you senator, no I think traitor is best."

How shall you procede?


What do you atrt with?


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