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The Innocent Wife | cementbrain | 3


Lisa just wanted to get out of the situation so without even thinking about where she was going, she started walking down the street. She couldn't believe herself today. Before today she had never thought about dressing like this on a normal day, certainly never thought about leaving house dressed like this and never thought about another man's penis. As she walked, she continued thinking about her situation: how she would confront her neighbors, William's penis, whether she should tell her husband, William's dick, when she could go back home, William's beautiful cock, the feeling she got from William's comments about her clothes, William's huge cock spurting... She broke from her reverie and realized that she had been walking for about 15 minutes and didn't have much idea of where she was. There was a park up ahead. There was also a liquor store nearby as well as a check cashing place and some empty buildings.

Lisa also realized that her feet were killing her; the boots she was wearing were pretty new and were pinching her feet and threatening blisters. Despite this being a rather shady part of town, she made her way to the park, sat down on a bench and took her boots off. The diamond pattern of the fishnet stockings was very wide, so her feet were nearly bare, and letting them play through the warmth of the grass felt wonderful. She leaned back a bit on the bench and let the sun shine onto her face and chest, warming her all the way through. She felt good and here in the park she felt like she was able to push all the nasty sex thoughts out of her mind. The sun was purifying her.

She got up and walked around a bit, basking in the sun and continuing to enjoy the feel of the grass between her toes. The park wasn't huge, but the ground was littered with small hills. She made her way to one of the hills near the center and sat down on the slope facing the sun. Lisa laid back against the hill, stretching her legs out to the full length and rested her hands behind her head. It was quiet here, almost peaceful, and soon she was dozing there on her hill in the park.

While she was asleep, Lisa missed some important activity in the park. First, a group of four young men entered the park to play some basketball. Because of the hill that she was laying on, they couldn't see her directly from the court, but if she stood up she would be spotted immediately. Also, a city worker came by to do some lawn maintenance in the park, specifically to water the grass. He started working from the same side of the park as the basketball court so he couldn't see Lisa either. Finally a stray dog had entered the park and was wandering in Lisa's general direction.


Who would find Lisa first?


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