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Monopoly | amon_baal | 3


“Don’t think so.” My wife seems to relax considerably, and I ask her to go grab us some beers, “We’re here to play poker aren’t we?”
“We’re here to play something alright.” Dave, army guy and perpetual bachelor.

Before long we’re all seated around our poker table in the lounge with porn on in the background, who brought it and why I never did find out. The game was going well, my wife was giving me dirty, dirty looks and I pretended not to notice the slight grabs and gropes of my friends against the more well exposed parts of her body. The beer was flowing freely the game going well and everyone was having fun when I noticed my wife standing in the doorway to the lounge watching the TV, on it was a woman being thoroughly fucked by two men each with a cock longer then her forearm. Now I’m not saying I’m small but I’m less then a foot.

I swear that she was all but drooling, one or two of the guys saw me staring and Frank, the last of my friends gave me a wink, we got back to the game and I don’t think my wife saw me taking notice of her staring at the cocks of those two men on screen but shortly afterward Frank dropped a chip, not so subtlety he asked my wife to pick it up. Used to the proceedings by now she just gave me yet another dirty look and bent over at the waist, her trim pussy was clearly on display between her legs and Frank quickly ran his finger up her slit. Standing bolt upright she turned around ready to slap him before I intervened. I simply told her the help was not allowed to slap a guest and by the time I had finished she was staring at Frank’s finger in his mouth as he sucked it clean. Frank tells her that she missed his chip and she looks back at it. I was unsure about what she would do but then slowly this time, very slowly she bent over and Frank once again started to gently rub his finger between her lips. When she came up she was flushed and every guy in the room had a hard on.


Then after a few second Frank…

          Offers his wet finger for her to suck on.


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