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30 Days to Freedom | WayneWax | 2


Kim tried to convince herself that it was all just a dream, but she was naked -- and her pussy felt tender and needful. She quickly dressed and hoped that the walk home would clear her mind.

Friday night at the university was wrapping up. Some parties were still going strong, the music and rambunctious chatter pouring out of the dorm and frat windows as Kim walked by. She could remember her college days when there was time for non-stop partying. Time which, unfortunately, she never took advantage of. She was always a serious student and felt that she shouldn't waste the investment in her education and not be studying every waking moment. And now as a graduate student she was buried in even more work. She chuckled darkly over the shameless archeology pun. "If only I let myself get a little dirty now and then..." she continued the thought.

"No thank you!" chirped a young woman's voice a few yards away.

Kim looked through the dark and saw some underclassmen casually circling around each other. Two of them were clearly frat boys; those big hulking types who were more interested in their extracurricular activities than the coursework itself. The object of their interest was a cute girl who dressed in the latest Britney Spears fashion. Kim didn't have to think too hard to figure out what was going on. The boys wanted to play and the girl wasn't in the mood. But emboldened by the countless beers they've drunk (and hope she'd drunk), the two planned to keep trying long past the point of good manners.

"Come on, baby! You're so sexy and we'll treat you good," urged one.

"Yeah, you're so fucking hot that it isn't right not to give us a little something," seconded the other.

Kim couldn't take much more of the Neanderthals' chatter. "I believe she said 'no,'" the graduate student barked, approaching them with a steady glare.

The two boys backed off and hung their heads sheepishly, muttering about not meaning any harm. Kim was a little surprised at how they didn't argue with her, but chocked it up to years of teaching giving her that "voice of authority."

The girl looked a little embarrassed, too. "Gee, thanks for stepping in. I'll just be on my way" And with that she darted off, leaving Kim with the two guilty frat boys.

As the grad student turned around to face them, figuring on giving them a lecture on "No" meaning "No," she felt a chill as a ghostly hand ran up her back and a voice whispered in her ear.

"This is your perfect chance," Sulan intoned. "You have not just one, but two young bucks -- eager for the touch of a woman. Taking them to your bed would bring you much closer to salvation, and be a glorious way to begin your adventure"

"You have got to be kidding, they're no better than animals," she hissed, producing a quizzical look from the two boys.

In response, she could feel the ghostly hand run across her ass and start to stroke her pussy. "But, my sweet -- Do not these beasts possess the same firm organs as kings and gods? Can the juncture of your womanhood really tell the difference? You can't tell me you wouldn't find some pleasure with them"

Kim could see the ghost's logic, but this was behavior she just didn't do. Besides, the frat boys were shrugging at each other and starting to walk away, when she felt a snap and the ghostly chill moved deep inside of her. As her mouth started to move, she felt Sulan's voice inside her head "If you won't help yourself -- or me -- then I'd best take matters into my own hands for now."

The she felt her voice purr from her: "Boys! Don't walk away so quickly. Just because the girl didn't want you doesn't mean you have to be lonely." Kim felt her legs shift beneath her as she approached (actually sauntered up to) the boys, who stopped in their tracks and looked nervously at her. "After all, why settle for a girl," she cooed, reaching out with a hand to stroke the cheek of one. "When you could have a woman?" She ran her other hand down the chest of the other.

While Kim wasn't controlling her actions, she could feel her body responding to touching theirs. Her skin felt on fire with anticipation and her breath felt sharp in her dry mouth.

The boys were smiling and looking at each other. ("Please don't high five each other," Kim desperately thought.) To make the point clear, Sulan made her pull one of their heads down and plant a deep kiss on him, her tongue dancing between his lips. She could taste the beer and tequila in him, as well as the need to unleash himself inside her again and again. The other boy eased in behind her, pressing his hard bulge against her ass and nuzzling her neck. She reached around and pulled his face towards her, kissing him roughly as she felt the first paw at her breasts.

As embarrassed as she was to be forced into this situation, she felt her knees go weak being sandwiched between these two hard-bodied young men, their strong hands and hungry mouths attacking her with such direct urgency. Their stiff cocks rubbing against her through their tight clothes. She wanted them, and didn't need some spirit guiding her any more.

"Now," she panted. "Where can we three go to be alone?"


What happens next?

          Right here, Bitch


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