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Krissy's Life | duche | 1


Krissy was sitting on the couch in the dismal living room of her family's trailer. While the house was small and run down, much like the one-stop town they lived in, she was anything but. Krissy was down right gorgeous. She was slim in the waist and endowed in both her hips and breasts. Her body was complimented by her attractive features, being naturally blonde haired and blue eyed. She was in her prime, 19 years old, chaste and beautiful. It occurred to Krissy that it was too bad there wasn't anyone halfway decent in the town that could appreciate that.

In fact Krissy was a matter of no small attention in her little town, if you could call it that. But that didn't matter to Krissy. What was on her mind right now was how depressing her situation in life was. Sitting on that old couch in that dark trailer-house in front of the television with her creepy, unemployed Stepfather; who was making half-drunk advances at her more and more often every day. It was always worse when her Mother was at work. Which was far too much in Krissy's opinion.

It was then while Krissy was considering her current situation that she felt her Stepfather's eyes on her. He was sitting there just an arm's reach away from her, a half empty beer in one hand, the other resting absent mindedly on his crotch.

The situation was familiarly uncomfortable for Krissy. She wanted to leave the room, the house even. However, she didn't have anyplace to go. Without a car or money she wouldn't be going far as cold as it was outside. But still she thought maybe she should just leave and start walking somewhere, anywhere but here.


What does Krissy do?

          Krissy's indecision keeps her inside


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