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Dungeon of Depraved Demons | msTyry | 12


You pick the first door for no other reason than it’s there and you have nothing else to go on. You close your eyes, grab for the handle, open them again so that you can actually see the handle, close them again, and open the door.

The other side is something you would not have guessed in a million years. You are outside again! The air is cold, and it is night, but you are definitely outside again. You open your eyes and walk through the doorway. You seem to have exited out of a mausoleum in the middle of a graveyard. The door slams shut and, despite all efforts, does not reopen again. Off in the distance, you can see another mausoleum. Between there and here, however, are row upon row of headstones and graves. Otherwise, it’s completely barren. The other scary part is that the mausoleum you just exited isn’t hooked up to anything (like say a giant mountain with a network of caverns).

“A pocket dimension…creepy,” you remember what Hannah told you at the Dungeon entrance.

A chill runs down your spine. You don’t like it out here and it looks like the only other place to go is the other mausoleum. Hopefully it is the exit out of this place and will take you somewhere closer to your goal. Carefully, you traverse the graveyard, taking care not to run into any of the gravestones. You wrap your arms around youself for warmth and use the bright moonlight as a guide.

Suddenly, you hear a rustling. It sounds like it came from the dirt. You stop and look around, but don’t see a thing. As you take another step, your foot catches on something and you fall to the ground. You look at what has caught your foot and are horrified to find it is a human hand! You shriek like a little girl and close your eyes tight. After half a minute, you open them again and look around. It’s still a dark graveyard. You laugh at yourself and get up, dusting yourself off. You say some words of encouragement under your breath and continue on.

The ground moves again. You eyes go wide as you look around in terror, hoping what you think is happening is not really happening. Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening as several human arms burst from the ground. They are quickly joined by the rest of their bodies as you are soon surrounded by several people in various states of decay, though most are completely whole. In fact, these strange zombies are not only whole but completely naked. Your gaze can’t stop from venturing lower as you notice that rigor mortis must have set in for these guys as they have some of the longest and hardest members you have ever seen. While the female zombies are lacking this particular item, they look as do-able as they must have in life. You can’t help but grin.

This pause to take in your surroundings is enough time to allow one zombie to grab a hold on your arm. Shocked back to the present, you wrench your arm free and kick the zombie back. Another comes at you and attempts to hump you from behind.

“So that’s your game,” you say as you kick that zombie away as well. The zombies are closing in and you don’t have much time to come up with a plan. The time to act is now!


What is your plan now?


          Stand and fight


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