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Ultimate Fanfiction | crono04 | 12


Frankie dragged Mac to the Foster's bus, opened the door and pulled him in. She looked around frantically for something to cover him with after laying him down on a seat. 'The fire blanket will have to do,' she thought. She threw it over him and sat down on the seat across from him. He looked up drunkenly at her.

"F-frankie? Where are we?"

"We're in the Foster's bus."

"Are we going somewhere?"

"Not until tomorrow morning. Try to get some sleep until then, ok?"

"Don't tell my mom, ok?"

"I won't. If I did, you couldn't come back to Foster's, right? No one wants that."

He smiled. "Thanks. Yer a good friend, FranZZZZZZ!!!!" She smiled at him and curled up on the seat.

'I didn't find anyone good, but at least I did good for someone. What weak consolation that is.'


Frankie woke up first to find Mac still passed out. She decided since it was Saturday, she wouldn't wake him yet.

'Poor guy's gonna be so hung over. I wish this bus had blinds or something.' She got out of the bus and walked down the street to the restaurant. She needed breakfast, and that was about the only place to get it without starting the loud bus with bad shocks. A couple yards down, she noticed a woman getting out of a car, obviously having just had sex. She rolled her eyes, but soon recognized her as another hapless speed-dating victim. The recognition was mutual.

"Hey-hey, uh..."


"Yeah, Franco! How'd yer date go?"

"*scoff*, which one?"

"The one you spent all night in that crazy bus with, ya dirty tramp! He was a cutie, huh?" She poked Frankie's ribs.

"What?! Oh, him. It's not what you think!"

"Wow, it's even dirtier than what I thought!? Way to go!"

"I did not have...relations with him! He's just a friend of mine who got drunk, that's all."

"Suuuuure, he was! Ooo, hey, looks like King dong is awake. I gotta go, but good for you, red! You snagged you a good one." She got back in the car and Frankie walked on.

'Jeez, I can't believe her! She actually thought me and Mac had...EW, i can't even think that!! He's basically eight, for gawd's sake! Still. He was kinda cute as an adult. If he really were 18, I wonder if he and I...? No, that's crazy! When he turns 18, i'll be 32. Too old for him. Well, maybe not SO old. I mean, lots of teenage guys like older women, don't they? After that horrible movie came out, I couldn't go to a single class without hearing about 'MILFs'. I had hoped to never have to hear that again, but if its still true, maybe...JEEZ, what am i thinking!? It sounds like I want to date Mac! And I don't! Anyway, he's an alright kid. If Bloo doesn't mess him up too bad, he'll get a good girlfriend his own age. He'll spend half his teenage life with her, and she'll be glad about it, i'm sure. He probably won't come to Foster's much anymore. That'll be sad. But at least he'll be happy. Plus, maybe we can get rid of Bloo.'


Frankie perked up and found herself on the bus with a bag and a steaming cup. Mac was half-awake and looking at her, obviously in pain.

"Where'd you go?"

"Uh...I got us breakfast, apparently. So, dig in, I guess. Here, drink this." Mac took a sip of the coffee in the cup and spit it back.

"Blech! What is this?! It's disgusting!"

"I know, but coffee will help you sober up."

He gulped and drank it.


'Well, that was a thrill-ride! What's next Bore-y McBorington?'

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