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Ultimate Fanfiction | crono04 | 9


"Uh-huh. Look, Maximillion..."

"Oh call me Mac." As soon as he said it, he mentally berated himself harshly, but kept it inside.

"Ok. Mac. Look, I gotta be honest. I know you're staring at my body." Mac's entire body tightened in fear as he tried to think of some excuse.

"And that's fine. Actually, you're the first guy here who paid attention to me instead of to his own problems."

"I can do that too!"

"NO!! I mean, no, I meant that in a good way. I don't get much attention where I work and live, and well, it's flattering. BUT! I am not easy, so don't read too much into that."

"I don't know. I think you're very easy." Frankie's eyes grew big and filled with fire. "Easy to talk to, easy to be friends with. No, Frankie, I think you're pri-ty easy."

Not knowing any other way to respond, she said simply "Mac?"

Mac panicked. He called her by name! She must have figured it out! He was in so much trouble! "Oh, my gosh! Frankie, i'm so sorry, it was all Bloo's idea! I'm so sorry for ruining your night!!"

"Uh...I just wanted to know how you knew my name."

"Oh! Uh....heh-heh...lucky guess?"

"Who is Bloo?" she asked, almost accusingly. Obviously suspicious.


"Your DOG told you to speed-date?!" All she could think of was Son of Sam.

"No, I mean my...step....-cousin. Bloo...tina. Blootina. We call her Bloo for short."

"Why did you say your dog?"

"Uh....she's very ugly?"

"Ugh! Nevermind!" She drank something that wasn't water but didn't look like pop either.

"What is that you're drinking?"

"Wine. Don't worry, i'm 22."

"I know." She looked up at him. "I mean, I can tell you're old enough to drink." She looked insulted. "BUT JUST BARELY!!" She smirked. 'Safe!' he thought. "Do only girls get wine?"

"No, anyone who wants some can have it. They just put out water in case anyone's on the wagon. Want some?"

"But then what'll you drink?"

She laughed. "Not out of my glass, silly! I mean do you want the hostess to bring you some?"


Mac drunk? Or stay sober?

          Drunk could be pretty funny. Or at least less boring.


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