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Ultimate Fanfiction | crono04 | 6


The school bell rang and Mac grabbed his bag to leave. He smiled as he walked to Foster's, not quite sure why. He was always happy to see Bloo (or almost always), but today he felt excited to go for another, indescribable reason. The trip even seemed unusually short today. Mac opened one of the giant double-doors and went in.

"Hello?" he called out into the lobby. No one answered for a moment, until two beings came out of the administrative office. A girl Mac's age (8. i know! don't worry about it) named Goo and a humanoid rabbit in a half-butler's uniform and a monocle called Herriman. He spoke first, which is weird considering Goo's normal penchant for speaking whenever she could find or create a chance to.

"Ah, good day master Mac. I trust your journey to the house was pleasant?"

"Uh...yeah. Is Bloo arou.."

(If you don't watch the show, Goo talks VERY fast with few if any pauses between words. as a service to you, i'm not going to type it like that, but if you want the 'full experience', i guess, yes, she talks very fast) "MAC!! I just thought up the most awesomest of awesome imaginary FRIEEENDS!! And you gotta see him! Well you should probably meet him, too, i mean what good would it do to just gawk at him like 'DUUUUUUHHHH!!' he'd probably think you were crazy. But then again this whole place is crazy, so you'd be getting him used to it here, which is GREAT because he's gonna live here now. Well, don'cha wanna meet him, huh. huh, huh, huuuuh?!!?"



A small, meek looking clock-with-legs came out of the office and approached Mac. Mac, being the friendly kid he is, reached out to shake it's hand, which, not surprisingly, was met by one of the clock hands. They introduced each other and Goo told Mac that this friend could 'do weird, freaky stuff with time, and not just everyone's time, but your time, too....' She also said about fifty other things. That's when Bloo came down.

"MAC! Don't touch that thing!"

"Why not!?"

"Because it's a rip-off! I told that thing to make me old enough to grow a beard like ZZ Top, and this swindler just made a light show and told me I was older! Where's my beard? Do you see a beard on this face!?"

"Well, if he didn't take anything from you he's not really a swindler, but no..."

"That's because he LIED!!!! I...i'm sorry, i'm too upset to play today. Sniff, sniff. You go play without me. I'll survive without my beard....somehow..." He dragged himself up the stairs, slowly to see if someone would reassure him.

"But I can age people! Imaginary friends can only age if their creator wants them to! Just ask Youngy over there."

A baby crawls through the room. "I'm only thwee-and half years old...for TWENTY YEARS!!!" She chomps down on a cigar and crawls away, grumbling adorably about her mortgage and child support.

"I believe you, Timen. Here, you can age me." The clock smiled as Mac offered himself to be his redemption. Timen closed his eyes and a couple lights came out of him. When they cleared, Mac was 18.

(In a newly deep voice)"Woah! You did it!"

Bloo jumped off the staircase and ran to Mac.

"Mac!! You're grown! Oh, we are gonna rent SO MANY adult movies!!"

"Those movies were boring remember?"

"Maybe those taped one were. But the ones on Frankie's computer were QUITE exhilarating! Wanna see 'em?!"

"No, I do-...Where is Frankie?"

Herriman fielded that one. "Miss Frances is at a social for accelerated greetings and friend-making."

Mac looked at Bloo. "Speed-dating."


Bloo got a mischievous look in his eyes. "Ma-a-a-ac? Are you thinking what i'm thinking?"

"That Frankie could get a date on her own, if she didn't have to work here all the time? Totally."

Bloo sighed.


Who to screw with?

          Frankie (don't worry, Frankie's a woman)


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