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Diablo 2: The Erotic Adventures | kt6550 | 2


Kaly quietly moved among the path, trailing her demon. Her seance last evening pointed her in this direction, and she hoped she was on the correct trail to her quarry. She was not experienced enough, being only 19, to drop in and out of the trance state at will. If she could do that, she could be certian she was on the right path.

Her trance last evening pointed her in this general direction, the wasted land, a land ravaged by demons in eons past. Only now some semblance of life was beginning to return to it. Kaly headed in the direction of the ruined city. It would give her shelter for the night.

She could not be certian she was even on Diablo's trail. The spirit print in the vision of the trance appeared to be that of Diablo, but, once again, lack of experience prohibitied Kaly from seeing Diablo clearly. She felt certian it was he, but, at worst, it could be any demon.

Kaly made her small camp in the ruined city. She ate a frugal meal, and drank some of the wine she had brought with her. It would protect against the nighttime chill. She shivered, knowing she would feel the chill when she began her seance.

After her meal, a little rest, and some meditation, Kaly disrobed. The seance had to be performed in the nude. She lit the four black candles at the four compass points, knelt before the fire, tossed in the incense, and began the enchantment. She recited the words of the spell, in a soft, low voice, over and over, until the seance began to take effect.

When the time and space of the land altered, she knew she was in the seance state. The stars disappeared, and the land became different. Only the fire and candles remained constant.

Kaly looked about. She was on a pinnacle of solid rock. It appeared to be in the middle of a range of black, cold mountains, with a deep, straight drop to the bottom. If Kaly took two steps in either direction, she would fall to her death.

Kaly did not expect what appeared. The creature appeared directly in front of her, about ten feet away, and levitating above and between the two candles. It had no mouth, yet it spoke.

"Kaly, girl-witch," it said in a deep bass voice, "if you wish to find Diablo, there is a price to pay. Will you pay it?"

Kaly looked at the creature, its four arms waving in the haze and smoke from the fire. She wondered what the price was, and how she could get some leverage on the bargain she might have to make.

"What is your name?" asked Kaly.

"My name is of no import to you, girl-witch Kaly," answered the creature. "I will appear to you just this once. If you wish to have a clean trail to Diablo, you must acquiesce to me. I ask once more, will you pay my price?"

"And what, creature of my seance, is your price?" asked Kaly.

"Let me pleasure you. Let me love you. Your enjoyment can be real, if you want it, or you can simply let me take you," the creature responded. "Choose! Now!"

Kaly thought for a moment and then reached her decision.


Should Kaly have sex with the creature?


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